THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

"This fight isn't with you." said Johnny Ringo :tongue3:
twas a good movie :icon_thumleft:
( I kinda was partial to Dana Dalany as Josephine :laughing7: ) Kurt Russell was second :occasion14:

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I hear you about unearthing the up and coming companies to invest in. Problem is that involves a fair amount of risks been there and done that.

One of the most succesful investors ever Warren Buffet said the first 2 rules of investing are 1:-Don't lose money.
2:-Don't forget rule #1......:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Agreed Bill, that is why I suggested the Penny Stocks.
Years ago I had an owner who lived physically next door to Warren Buffet. A couple times a year we would gather at the owners house. By the looks of his house, it appeared the worst on the block. It was not fancy at all. Kinda funny side note. To save travel time, Warren would have a helicopter land in his back yard and pick him up and drop him off. The neighbors became so irritated they filed a noise complaint with the city. No more helipad at Warren's place.

I beg to differ, sir. We started a game we never got to finish. "Play for Blood," remember?
You got me RR, he said something to the effect that: I was only kidding :dontknow:

OK, guess it's time to call it a night.
Good night and good morning everyone. :hello:

"This fight isn't with you." said Johnny Ringo :tongue3:
twas a good movie :icon_thumleft:
( I kinda was impartial to Dana Dalany as Josephine :laughing7: ) Kurt Russell was second :occasion14:

"Johnny Tyler, you madcap, where you going with that shotgun?"

Ever see Wyatt Earp with Kevin Costner? The scene where Earp hold off the lynch mob was done much better, imho.


I hear you about unearthing the up and coming companies to invest in. Problem is that involves a fair amount of risks been there and done that.

One of the most succesful investors ever Warren Buffet said the first 2 rules of investing are 1:-Don't lose money.
2:-Don't forget rule #1......:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

I know Buffet bought the Burlington Northern RR and its rumored he sold half to foreign investors to pay for his half but my question is did he buy the Canadian National RR also.


Hey girl, I got $5 :laughing7:


Nope since CNR and CPR are both deemed as essential services no single investor is allowed to own a controlling interest in them.

I know Buffet bought the Burlington Northern RR and its rumored he sold half to foreign investors to pay for his half but my question is did he buy the Canadian National RR also.


Another one from my collection.

Dr. D Fahrney and Sons Teething Syrup for Babes, Hagerstown Maryland. This was a popular local medicine, but killed about as many as it cured, do to the very high opiate content.


Talk about snake oil medecine....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7: mind you the original Coca Cola recipe contained cocaine.

Looks like she's about tha right height.

Well, nobody is perfect but if he took some snooty L.A. leftists for 75 million he is doing alright in my book. :laughing7:

SanMan, I shoot a Mossberg 500. Actually I had to look up Superposed. That might be too shiny for the duck blind but if you are following a GSP or a visla it would be fine. If you ever want to come duck hunting with me though, bring whatever gun you care to. I mostly hunt alone, without even a dog, but when I get company I let them do the shooting.

Well if you aren't a good decent man,..... thank you so much for that offer.

Oh, Superposed,..... it was a gift from a long time friend who has since passed away.

A 12 ga, it is "white" from use in the field.
The wood is dry and hammered,....

I just love it.

The action had some slop in the lock up,.....
a very close friend, an expert on shotguns, did the repair perfectly.
It locks up solid and the lever is dead straight.

He told me that someone had shot a lot of duck loads in it.

My love affair with the Superposed started at one of those "manufacturers day" at
the gun range where I was a member.

About 1980

Remington brought a bunch of rifles and
shotguns, Same for Winchester, Ruger brought a lot of everything,......

Browning brought some nice rifles, shotguns, and handguns.

You pay a small amount of money and you get to shoot what you'd like to try.

I paid a few dollars and tried a .45 long colt, it was nice,.....
There was a .375 Holland & Holland there, $1 a round,.....
I tried it, it was nice.

Then I wondered over to the trap area.

I had the choice of several shotguns, from a number of makers,.........
But after shouldering a few, only one snapped right up, and was on point every time.

It was a Browning Superposed.

I went to the 16 yard line,.... like magic, never missed
moved back,..... never missed, moved back again,.... again, never missed

I moved "off the field", behind the last trap line, the crowd moved back as well,...
never missed, backed up to the short pole fence for the parking lot, sat on the
fence,..... and still never missed a one.

I never forget that day, not if I live to be a thousand.


The Superposed "fits me", I throw it up,.... it's dead in line and dead on point.

That day was at "Renton Fish and Game" in Renton, Washington.

I just looked, they'er still there.

Link: RFGC


It's changed, now there's a chain link fence there now,...
Back then, it was a short ranch style pole fence.
Because the parking lot ends there.

Now what I need honestly is a Superposed in 20 ga.

For upland game birds.

For ducks, I have an 870 and I'm fast with it.

Mossberg took the lead years ago, military, police, and in the field.

They are super durable, and there is a cool marine version.


It's fun to talk about fond old memories, thanks guys for sitting still for that.

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