THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

No, unfortunately I've had a lot going on lately. My uncle passed away this summer and we been spending spare time going through his estate. He collected antiques and had a house full of them so the house can be put on the market. Now I have a garage full of antiques. Opening a booth at the flea market this weekend. Hopefully can resume the treasure search soon!
Yes...we to have had some tragedy.... we also had an uncle go down....he's in a coma and in hospice care....everyone in the family is struggling through all of this, and my wife is gone away to help my aunt through this ordeal.....seems my uncle was a player, and now an unknown wife and child have popped into the narrative....its likely that my aunt will get nothing and we will have to move her down to stay with her sister now. So im here alone with my son while this plays out. We're doing the bachelor life, and went and ate out, and then went detecting and beach combing yesterday!! The only silver lining to any of this story is me spending alot of time with my son one on one. He'll go to work with me today, and help me put down some new caulking on a 40 foot everglades bay boat !!

Yes...we to have had some tragedy.... we also had an uncle go down....he's in a coma and in hospice care....everyone in the family is struggling through all of this, and my wife is gone away to help my aunt through this ordeal.....seems my uncle was a player, and now an unknown wife and child have popped into the narrative....its likely that my aunt will get nothing and we will have to move her down to stay with her sister now. So im here alone with my son while this plays out. We're doing the bachelor life, and went and ate out, and then went detecting and beach combing yesterday!! The only silver lining to any of this story is me spending alot of time with my son one on one. He'll go to work with me today, and help me put down some new caulking on a 40 foot everglades bay boat !!
Yes, I guess we all got to go sometime. Recently turning 60 has made me more aware of my mortality. It's great you're getting to spend time with your son. It all goes by so quickly...

Yes, I guess we all got to go sometime. Recently turning 60 has made me more aware of my mortality. It's great you're getting to spend time with your son. It all goes by so quickly...
Sometimes the treasure hunting must be put down for family....the most precious times are at hand for my son and I. I must be there for parents were absent from my life for most if not all of my life. My father has abandoned me for the 3rd, or 4th time in my life, and wants as little interaction as possible. My mom I've only briefly talked/argued with a few times in the past few years....before that no contact for 30-40 years !! So with that always at the front of my mindset, I have promised my son and myself to never have that happen in our relationship even if it means great sacrifice from me. Before I know it these times will be over....I would like to look back one day, and say I tried my absolute best to be a worthy, and successful father.....the most important thing in my life right've seen my recent video of us fishing together.....its one of the things I remember my father and I always agreeing on and enjoying together !! So proud of him when we fish together.....oh loves these times as much as we do too.

Yesterday it warmed up a tad, and I said to the Mrs that I was going to go play across the lane along to the shop.
I did find a IHP along the ridge last year.
Got a deep penny that was 3" past the length of the PP.
Got the rocks out, and was at the bottom of the hole.
Strange patina on this great looking 1929.
Still have to finish cleaning the obverse side.
Got a spill of a 1964 nickel, 74 dime, and 3 pennies.
20 cents from the property still after 10.5 yrs of detecting it.

Strange patina on this great looking 1929.
Still have to finish cleaning the obverse side.
Got a spill of a 1964 nickel, 74 dime, and 3 pennies.
20 cents from the property still after 10.5 yrs of detecting it.
That’s cool. It almost looks like a steel penny. Did Canada ever make any of those? The US only made them in 1943.

Yesterday it warmed up a tad, and I said to the Mrs that I was going to go play across the lane along to the shop.
I did find a IHP along the ridge last year.
Got a deep penny that was 3" past the length of the PP.
Got the rocks out, and was at the bottom of the hole.
Strange patina on this great looking 1929.
Still have to finish cleaning the obverse side.
Got a spill of a 1964 nickel, 74 dime, and 3 pennies.
20 cents from the property still after 10.5 yrs of detecting it.
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Looking like a low 9.
Sure not looking like .955 copper.

Good morning everyone, AM shift and in the phase where poison oak makes me feel tired and sick. Last night at work they had me in the humid hot wash room with my stupid mask on anyone that knows poison oak knows heat isn't pleasant with it. I was so itchy and nauseous the whole time. Then pissed as my coworkers left early. I hate working with the younger ones zero work ethic and have to fix the shit they don't do right when they leave early. Was extra pissed being I'm there not feeling good and they don't do their job right and leave way too early. Clearly too grumpy this morning definitely not putting up with crap at work today.
Are you in Georgia? Sounds like the same thing here.

Does anyone magnet fish on here, or have a recommendation on type on which magnet work the best?
Single/double/360 degree/ clamp?
I carried a yellow one with rope in a coffee can in the boat in case of an overboard.
Didn't fish with it.
Found a plastic rope floating and tried to lift the axel or engine block it was tied to. I could raise it a couple inches on one end (?) but boat wanted to swamp if I pulled harder. (Too deep/stained water to actually see it.)
That's why I don't want a very strong magnet using a 12 foot boat. L.o.l..


Does anyone magnet fish on here, or have a recommendation on type on which magnet work the best?
Single/double/360 degree/ clamp?
Brute magnetics is the using a cheap one now, and I havnt been in awhile....I do enjoy magnet fishing though.

I carried a yellow one with rope in a coffee can in the boat in case of an overboard.
Didn't fish with it.
Found a plastic rope floating and tried to lift the axel or engine block it was tied to. I could raise it a couple inches on one end (?) but boat wanted to swamp if I pulled harder. (Too deep/stained water to actually see it.)
That's why I don't want a very strong magnet using a 12 foot boat. L.o.l..

I have a similar one as the one shown.
If I hook onto anything heavier that would drag the 12ft over,
I'd just extend the rope to the winch on the Side by Side.
I still have 500ft of anchor rode left over from our boating days. :laughing7:

Brute magnetics is the using a cheap one now, and I havnt been in awhile....I do enjoy magnet fishing though.
I just looked and it was the one I had one for an option-cheaper on amazon (grumble)
Another thing is the company can't under sell the price on their site usually.
The exchange plays a factor into the purchase also.
So one testing kit for PMs and one magnet for the playtime on the waterways.
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