THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Would come in handy for digging targets at the beach.
Just put the sand scoop behind the dog, to fill it up.
It has been done many many times... mainly because when he would see me dig HE wanted to dig... so i would let him.
Most times as you know (well pepper you actually find good stuff up there) its just going to be a junky item of some sort... so.... i let him go for it for a few seconds.
He is old now... he has no interest... and rarely goes out with me anymore... he is now 16 and would rather lounge on the couch than go for a ride anymore.
The last couple years he cares less about "go for a ride".
He also was prone to occasional "car sickness".... WHICH really SUCKS WHEN...
when he is in your lap and your driving. heh arrgg

It has been done many many times... mainly because when he would see me dig HE wanted to dig... so i would let him.
Most times as you know (well pepper you actually find good stuff up there) its just going to be a junky item of some sort... so.... i let him go for it for a few seconds.
He is old now... he has no interest... and rarely goes out with me anymore... he is now 16 and would rather lounge on the couch than go for a ride anymore.
The last couple years he cares less about "go for a ride".
He also was prone to occasional "car sickness".... WHICH really SUCKS WHEN...
when he is in your lap and your driving. heh arrgg
16 is a great age, he still probably loves his treat or 2.
It seems no matter what the old pet does, we'z just love even more, as they mean no harm.

16 is a great age, he still probably loves his treat or 2.
It seems no matter what the old pet does, we'z just love even more, as they mean no harm.
Heh... his favorite treat is rotisserie chicken... which he always gets more than I do.

Good morning all!


At least you got it done now and are up and running.

The pump went in the well a year after we bought the place.
The precious owner supplied us with a map to where the well was X marked the spot. (poor treasure map)
The plumber and myself measured it out, started chipping the frozen ground away, we broke through the frost line and we kind of looked at each other and went :dontknow:.( This well could be anywhere)
No well cap
I located with this magic metal finder rig I owned-only to find it was many feet away, under a frozen snow bank, and buried down under the frozen earth.
I dug down and around the casing so a 4 foot extension could be welded on so now it's above ground now.

They installed the new pump-then it didn't run properly-the previous owner had changed the 220 to a 110 volt. Electrician required.

Great all better-few months later no water-split in the line-repair-then it happened again-defective line-new line and the well has been working great since.
I feel your pain.
Last year our pump went out in Reno, 380' deep. Had to hire a crane ($1,600) to pull the pump because of where the well was placed. $6,600 for new pump, wiring and controller (talked into variable speed setup).
5 months later the new pump seized up. Well company said "the pump is under warranty" so it only cost us $1,600 for the crane again and $2,400 for the crew to replace the pump with a "free" pump. :BangHead:

I feel your pain.
Last year our pump went out in Reno, 380' deep. Had to hire a crane ($1,600) to pull the pump because of where the well was placed. $6,600 for new pump, wiring and controller (talked into variable speed setup).
5 months later the new pump seized up. Well company said "the pump is under warranty" so it only cost us $1,600 for the crane again and $2,400 for the crew to replace the pump with a "free" pump. :BangHead:
I ate the first repair when the line split, the 2nd time they pulled the 93ft out, and the sidewall was split wide open again.
Plumbing company owner said: "There seemed to be a bad batch of well line that came in"
I looked over to the owner of the company and said "I think this one is on you" and I walked away.

I got off easy compared to your tab, that's crazy.
Why the crane?
The parents house had a 450ft, and 3 guys pulled it till they hooked to the winch on the service truck.

I feel your pain.
Last year our pump went out in Reno, 380' deep. Had to hire a crane ($1,600) to pull the pump because of where the well was placed. $6,600 for new pump, wiring and controller (talked into variable speed setup).
5 months later the new pump seized up. Well company said "the pump is under warranty" so it only cost us $1,600 for the crane again and $2,400 for the crew to replace the pump with a "free" pump. :BangHead:
Was the work carried out by them? As in did you pay or was in included with the pump?

Not sure how it works there but over here If the fitting is done by the shop/company and it goes bad they should replace it under their costs not yours

I ate the first repair when the line split, the 2nd time they pulled the 93ft out, and the sidewall was split wide open again.
Plumbing company owner said: "There seemed to be a bad batch of well line that came in"
I looked over to the owner of the company and said "I think this one is on you" and I walked away.

I got off easy compared to your tab, that's crazy.
Why the crane?
The parents house had a 450ft, and 3 guys pulled it till they hooked to the winch on the service truck.
Kinda hard to tell in pictures, but the closest place to get a service truck is 55 feet away because of the landscaping and wrought iron perimeter fencing.


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