THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Actually I've come to enjoy many features on new vehicles but the auto lane correction thing drives me nuts. My brother & I rented an SUV last summer in Montana. We couldn't figure out how to disable the lane change thing. Every time you tried to pass it wanted to keep you in your lane. Ahhhggg! I do love my air-conditioned seats down here in Florida. ❤️
I love my heated seats in Ontario :laughing7:

Wife's Rogue is loaded, but the lane warning now is turned off, I hate the side mirror tilt down when backing up.
It forces a person to look at the 360 degree camera.
Finally figured out the seat setting, I'd get behind the wheel and the seat would adjust to my wife's size 5'.
I'm 6'3'' so it would squish me into the steering wheel.

I need to make a display of some sort for shotgun headstamps.....they are everywhere!! Amazing how many birds were hunted here in the past.....even Audubon shot them to examine them. The feather trade was huge at one time, and cardinals were caught live and shipped around the globe by sailors passing by. Today the only evidence of this is a shot gun headstamp every 5 feet !! Collecting NA heritage for the state, and my colleagues in FWC, were amazed at the amount of lead and shells.....they even took some for the state collection !! Probably get the call after this storm to go collect the obviously exposed artifacts. That's allowed to metal detect too !!

No one can even imagine people running around the islands blasting every bird in sight....but it was that every square inch is monitored and regulated....if you discharged a shotgun in the keys today your the one who would be ruthlessly hunted and exterminated!! People do not understand how free we really were here in the keys in the past....your not even allowed in the woods anymore for the most part !!

I need to make a display of some sort for shotgun headstamps.....they are everywhere!! Amazing how many birds were hunted here in the past.....even Audubon shot them to examine them. The feather trade was huge at one time, and cardinals were caught live and shipped around the globe by sailors passing by. Today the only evidence of this is a shot gun headstamp every 5 feet !! Collecting NA heritage for the state, and my colleagues in FWC, were amazed at the amount of lead and shells.....they even took some for the state collection !! Probably get the call after this storm to go collect the obviously exposed artifacts. That's allowed to metal detect too !!
I refer to this link often

I have 20 yrs of headstamps in boxes-it's crossed the mind also in organizing them into a frame and putting labels under them for an ID.
Something to do one cold winter

I refer to this link often

I have 20 yrs of headstamps in boxes-it's crossed the mind also in organizing them into a frame and putting labels under them for an ID.
Something to do one cold winter
Well what's wrong.....this winter not cold enough yet ?? No time like the next snow storm !!

Well what's wrong.....this winter not cold enough yet ?? No time like the next snow storm !!
It was 52F yesterday, spring like temps.
Looks like we're going to have a green Xmas-well you always have that so it's nothing new.
But it's a big thing up here, folks like the Hallmark Xmas look of snow at Xmas.
Then it's a "Get it over with-I want spring now!"

I refer to this link often

I have 20 yrs of headstamps in boxes-it's crossed the mind also in organizing them into a frame and putting labels under them for an ID.
Something to do one cold winter
That's a great site....very useful !!

Went relic hunting....found a modern ring.

Kind of reminds me of an old Tabby cat we had growing up.
It weighed around 20 lbs, and every year we'd put up the tree and hte cat would climb it to the top.
Just to get it out of it's system-then he left it alone.

I miss the nose vents windows, the manual air vents.
The today's cars and trucks when the rear windows are cracked a weird womp/womp wind noise developed.
I had lowered a rear window about halfway .
At 55 M.P.H. the truck shuddered so bad it messed up the radio!
Oh , I mean shuddered really bad.
I actually pulled over thinking my right rear tire was flat.

I appreciate aerodynamics. But dang!

I had lowered a rear window about halfway .
At 55 M.P.H. the truck shuddered so bad it messed up the radio!
Oh , I mean shuddered really bad.
I actually pulled over thinking my right rear tire was flat.

I appreciate aerodynamics. But dang!
I don't know what changed with the design but this cabin filter BS isn't great either. It does work when something is smelly, but so did the manual vent-well that's if there's a passenger to close off that side.

But this window down noise thing is really crazy.
Now those days of putting the window down, and the elbow out are gone it seems. (most window sills are uncomfortable also)

No one can even imagine people running around the islands blasting every bird in sight....but it was that every square inch is monitored and regulated....if you discharged a shotgun in the keys today your the one who would be ruthlessly hunted and exterminated!! People do not understand how free we really were here in the keys in the past....your not even allowed in the woods anymore for the most part !!
Waterfowling here can be big. We are under a couple areas of flyways (I'm not sure how many) plus the "residents" /those that raise youngins for the year).

I've tossed most headstamps. Either don't find many or don't pay too much attention unless they might be old.
One should be in a bag of loot from a boat launch.
Being the remnants of a paper hull told me hang on a bit .
(Not like it's the first shell ever sold or nothin...)
But an oldie. Forgot now but did look it up. Times were as in your area far different then for sure.

Most Old ones I recover are rough. Being wet at that launch probably saved that one.
Or else if most weren't so rough I might drive the primers out to fit screws through the holes to mount them.
They could hang on pegs through empty primer holes too.
Might last two minutes before they got knocked down , or over, or off.

I don't know what changed with the design but this cabin filter BS isn't great either. It does work when something is smelly, but so did the manual vent-well that's if there's a passenger to close off that side.

But this window down noise thing is really crazy.
Now those days of putting the window down, and the elbow out are gone it seems. (most window sills are uncomfortable also)
No drip rails.
Water runs in if the window is cracked open a little. (Hey , I need air dammit.)
"Oh but you can buy aftermarket deflectors! "
Ya I can. Or you could take half the crap I didn't want off and put some on.
"Oh but their built with what most people want."
Most people want water running in thier windows?
"Just turn on your vent then. "
I did but it smells funky. Maybe it's the chemicals and stuff that keeps clouding my glass when the vehicle is parked with the windows up? Can't I just crack a window for some fresh air?
"Umm , we can change your cabin air filter for you. Would you like to schedule an appointment?"
Do I have to drive my stinky car with it's cloudy glass from the fumes without being able to crack the window to get to the appointment? It's also still not dried out from the last time it rained. I'm afraid to drive it with a window down after the last time I almost lost control.
"We can change your cabin air filter for you. Would you like to schedule an appointment?"

Waterfowling here can be big. We are under a couple areas of flyways (I'm not sure how many) plus the "residents" /those that raise youngins for the year).

I've tossed most headstamps. Either don't find many or don't pay too much attention unless they might be old.
One should be in a bag of loot from a boat launch.
Being the remnants of a paper hull told me hang on a bit .
(Not like it's the first shell ever sold or nothin...)
But an oldie. Forgot now but did look it up. Times were as in your area far different then for sure.

Most Old ones I recover are rough. Being wet at that launch probably saved that one.
Or else if most weren't so rough I might drive the primers out to fit screws through the holes to mount them.
They could hang on pegs through empty primer holes too.
Might last two minutes before they got knocked down , or over, or off.
Not much left when they look like this pasture 12" recovery.

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