Well friends, I need to go and get some rest just in case the weatherman is right this time.
Good night everyone.
Good night Johnboy.....I mean Simon.
Your not going to participate in the big rally Roger ?
Found on the beach in Melbourne Fl. 2 weeks ago a half a foot down .It rang up as iron.Had 2 local treasure hunters looked at it.They claim its a meteorite.
A funny story for the crew. Me and the missus were at our favourite fruit and veggie store and I was busy picking out some yellow beans for supper.
Next to me was this cute little girl of about 3 with her 40ish mom and she was helping picking out beans we exchange a bit of chit chat.
Then out the blue the mom said I had beautiful eyes and must have broken a lot of hearts over the years.....
I guess I'm not as washed up as I thought.