Well as all of you have read, and seen from my ramblings over the past 5 weeks has been about trees.
It's finally ending this morning for the rental of the lift.
Yesterday was the pick up time but the driver was sick and I got to work for another day. (I didn't find out that out till noon)
So I carried on for another 8 hrs and did another major take down of 5 larger trees.
Weird how the mind works 💪.
I was set to go play for the PM, as I told the Mrs that it was going to happen for a few days.
(Before the next projects start)
Then the cancelation of the pickup really threw a monkey wrench into my thinking.
So I dug deep turned it all into let's get it done.
This area is at the end of my shop yard, the tall trees cast a late day shadow, making everything darker.
Being a narrow strip between 3 sugar bush lanes that branch off from the shop it will allow more light, expand the yard out from the 20ft roll up door.
Eliminating the bottle deck of trying to navigate around to plow in the winter.
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Got a sweet maple saw log 18" x 20'+ feet long of clear select this is worth some $$$ once milled.
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Lots of smaller ones , but lots of firewood for the evaporator and a future wood burner option.
This 3 sister grouping all joined at the 6-8ft level.
Was originally thinking of keeping a 3 way split, mill it into thick slabs for a table.
Then the safety aspect played out. Each leaning in a different direction, I could see the wet seams running down the stump.
Measurements made this a dangerous cut as the 20 inch bar wouldn't reach all the way through.
Side trimming the base was one option, or just be sensible and take them separately down.
I fell from right to left, first 2 between 2 others across the back trail. The third with the crown went east over the other back hill trail.
The 6ft stump remains now, and that's an easy to cut.
Getting to the age where cutting with a 25lb chainsaw at 6ft isn't a great time.
Took a lot of physical and mental therapy for the 🌶 to get it done.
Thie reason for the weird angle cut on the middle was I cut vertically down 24" between #2-3 then lopped off the stump to bring it to the 6ft level cutting.
The lift really has been a great tool, I just put some pressure on the 3/4 mark of the tree then finish the cut.
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So now it opened up the corner of the trail.
9 large trees down, another 5 smaller hickory. From the top of the triangle I have 5 more large maples, and countless little trees to cut out.
The sucker trees are 20ft tall, and only a few inches around.
Over the next year we'll clear 4-5 acres of all the sucker trees under 4". Some of these smaller trees are still 30-40 ft, all starving for a piece of the sky.
Well long post, well worn out. Need to go play for a mental recharging of beep-beeps after the pickup.
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