Well I never wish my life away no matter how much hurt I have to deal with.Yep…In this world the rich decide who will live and who will die…Or should I say the all mighty powers that be…I believe that I am slowly dying and those all mighty powers that be are behind my demise…But that is alright with me…I don’t believe I will have to continue to live in this Utopia they have created for the few…In a way I will be happy when I do depart this life…Oh well…I guess I will continue to take the poisons my doctors have prescribed, did I mention doctors are the locusts from the bottomless pit…Anyhow, what do I knowMankind has been judged and sentenced…May God’s word be fulfilled…That’s about all I can say…I don’t know how much longer my body can continue to withstand the injury caused my the all mighty powers that be…
So be it…
Ed T
The physical or mental can be just bad to a person.
Want a healthy body and mind, stay away from any title that has practicing in it.