I’ve been in my own world this day. I got a call from my son. Apparently he’s been married since June 13th. Nice. He, at least called his parents and sister before making a fb post. Apparently, she did not notify her mother. Lol drama Queen. Anyway…
I cleaned a lot of itty bitty glass, pottery and shards today, trying to get it all organized for the big puzzle extravaganza.
Made homemade meatballs with spaghetti and sauce. I love spaghetti. I would fix it once a week, actually I used to, but “ somebody “ is not a fan. Until. I started making Italian meatballs. So it’s back on the menu about every two weeks.
Then, it was work on that garden. I got to tell you, potatoes and tomatoes are the best this year. Lol I have what my mom used to call “volunteers “ this year. Looks like a squash and a watermelon. We shall see. I think only one kidney bean and two or three green beans came up that I planted. The thistles are loud and proud, as usual. Got a few peppers too.
Bedtime. Nighty night.