THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Seems like treasurenet is fading out these days.....not to much happening on this site these days. Seems that it's the heart of winter, and everything has ground to a halt. Half the threads aren't even about treasure, and the other half are always complaining, bitching, or arguing about it me or does anyone else see this happening......maybe I'm just sick and grumpy 😠 !!

Blak bart,
I agree. I use the current reduction of overseas contributions as an example of decreasing participation. CRU, from England is (thankfully) an exception. Years ago, I bought a reference book for foreign coins; then used it frequently to help ID submitted coins. Today, that reference book gathers dust.

Shipwreck contributions is another area of lowered participation. But that is affected by the increase in restrictive legislation to prevent search and recovery; and the prohibitive cost to fund shipwreck ops in deeper waters.

Seems like treasurenet is fading out these days.....not to much happening on this site these days. Seems that it's the heart of winter, and everything has ground to a halt. Half the threads aren't even about treasure, and the other half are always complaining, bitching, or arguing about it me or does anyone else see this happening......maybe I'm just sick and grumpy 😠 !!
I dont think its just this site... but out there in general.

"these times they are a changin"

I agree on the shipwreck theroy.....obviously I would be much more involved in that segment of treasure hunting if it were more accommodating from the state, feds, and international inteties involved in this permitting and salvage process. I continue to work with A.S.A.P. (American shoal archeology project) in the search for "el angel bueno" and her sister "la concepcion" 1563. We have made many discoveries in recent mag/dive operations, and all are guarded and kept secret in part out of fear of the state and its lawyers/lobbyist/and aactivist.the ever elusive excavation permit seems to still be unobtainable. I have my own fantastic discoveries regarding the 1733 fleet, and I can do no more than keep these fantastic discoveries to myself....even though they bring the narrative of this disaster into further context. I fear if I divulge my discoveries ill be excluded from any further exploration and banned from my own im in a catch 22 for now.....this being said, I still plan to pursue more than a couple new discoveries, and am aligning with some bigger movers and working models will be proposed to the state very soon by more than on group down here in the keys. As for the rest of seems even with a new software upgrade that user participation has dropped off considerably. Bickering, arguing, and infighting here on t-net is often disgusting and turns people away quickly.....belittling comments to people who are truly just trying to ask questions, and have a polite response are a big turnoff.....everyone here is on a different level of understanding when it comes to this hobby.....those of us with years of experience need to have much more patience with those of us who are just starting out. I hope the trend of being somewhat short and cocky to new comers slows, so that new folks aren't intimidated so much they don't participate......could be this hobby dosent grab the interest of young people like it once did. That combined with stricter and stricter laws and regulations is slowly strangling the hobby. The keys is a great trespassing, don't go off the path, restricted area, D.E.P. DO NOT
ENTER, the keys is virtually locked to anything other than pay to walk on the path programs. Too many restrictions!!

@ARC The other big social media sites are booming with treasure fact it is probably one of the biggest sectors of interest at least on instagram (my only other social media site) i have had offers, and opportunities on instagram in my short tenure there that far eclipse what's happening here. Coin collectors have been offering to buy the latest 1715 half reale I found almost every the point of annoyance almost.....twice I've shipped enormous complete boules of mahogany (treasure) to Washington state !! I see incredible finds being made every day from all over the world......its just another level all together compared to here.....I see guys from here posting over there now not here.......Carolina Tom, trez 1715, trippwrecked, etc. etc. Hell....its not even the same universe !! Just the video stuff far exceeds anything we can do should be paying t-net as a video hosting site !! Its about the only source of videos least alot of the videos.

I agree on the shipwreck theroy.....obviously I would be much more involved in that segment of treasure hunting if it were more accommodating from the state, feds, and international inteties involved in this permitting and salvage process. I continue to work with A.S.A.P. (American shoal archeology project) in the search for "el angel bueno" and her sister "la concepcion" 1563. We have made many discoveries in recent mag/dive operations, and all are guarded and kept secret in part out of fear of the state and its lawyers/lobbyist/and aactivist.the ever elusive excavation permit seems to still be unobtainable. I have my own fantastic discoveries regarding the 1733 fleet, and I can do no more than keep these fantastic discoveries to myself....even though they bring the narrative of this disaster into further context. I fear if I divulge my discoveries ill be excluded from any further exploration and banned from my own im in a catch 22 for now.....this being said, I still plan to pursue more than a couple new discoveries, and am aligning with some bigger movers and working models will be proposed to the state very soon by more than on group down here in the keys. As for the rest of seems even with a new software upgrade that user participation has dropped off considerably. Bickering, arguing, and infighting here on t-net is often disgusting and turns people away quickly.....belittling comments to people who are truly just trying to ask questions, and have a polite response are a big turnoff.....everyone here is on a different level of understanding when it comes to this hobby.....those of us with years of experience need to have much more patience with those of us who are just starting out. I hope the trend of being somewhat short and cocky to new comers slows, so that new folks aren't intimidated so much they don't participate......could be this hobby dosent grab the interest of young people like it once did. That combined with stricter and stricter laws and regulations is slowly strangling the hobby. The keys is a great trespassing, don't go off the path, restricted area, D.E.P. DO NOT
ENTER, the keys is virtually locked to anything other than pay to walk on the path programs. Too many restrictions!!
What could be done years ago is restricted today it seems by many.

The outright attacks on long standing members as you saw with a detecting video on the new Minelab shows the vileness that some have it seems.
The simple enjoyment of sharing no matter what equipment is used seems to have fallen to a level of bitterness with enough that it works like the bad apple/potato theory.

There's the one hit wonders that post up a rock/tree, and believe it's the gateway of the Holy Grail of treasures. Usually quite entertaining, and the posts go on to the point where it sours as one's beliefs aren't taken seriously.
(The reason for no religion/politics=too strong are the beliefs)
But some can't or will accept, the thoughts of a gate keeper watching over a treasure.
Many are just too set on reality, or maybe seeing is believing, other than that it's just a fantasy.

Most areas are in winter mode-the holiday blues-family commitments.
Grumpy/sick pirates may be another some factor.
Glass half full-or empty type of a thing is another that effects many.

Certain members leave as they don't get enough of what they're seeking from the members.
The hole in their lives isn't filled-a lot has to do with the personal life that is going on.

Certain members leave as they can't say things-or feel that freedom is lost on a moderated site.

So many reasons to leave-plus there are so many reasons to hang in and enjoy.

Personally I can gleam the morning headlines of the news=doom and gloom.
Here it's a spattering of what ever topic I want to see about a passion that is rooted in me.

@ARC The other big social media sites are booming with treasure fact it is probably one of the biggest sectors of interest at least on instagram (my only other social media site) i have had offers, and opportunities on instagram in my short tenure there that far eclipse what's happening here. Coin collectors have been offering to buy the latest 1715 half reale I found almost every the point of annoyance almost.....twice I've shipped enormous complete boules of mahogany (treasure) to Washington state !! I see incredible finds being made every day from all over the world......its just another level all together compared to here.....I see guys from here posting over there now not here.......Carolina Tom, trez 1715, trippwrecked, etc. etc. Hell....its not even the same universe !! Just the video stuff far exceeds anything we can do should be paying t-net as a video hosting site !! Its about the only source of videos least alot of the videos.
I logged on to hook up with an old customer/friend last year.
I started to get these "You might like to meet/see/follow" (can't really remember the actual wording) but they showed an avatar/name of the person(S)
Example: A profile picture of my wife's mom and sister (photo from 35yrs ago) but never shared on a social media site-not in our photo's on our computer. But there it was though plain as day.
Query to the sister: Never posted up as her profile on any site.

The other one was my niece out west. I have no knowledge other than the city she lives in.
Yet there she was profile picture and married name.
No information/no emails/no nothing about her ever-but there it was asking me/sharing that I might be interested.

Oh just a random fluke some say.
Yup-it was a instant control/alt/delete for instagram
Bloody scary on how things are tracked/obtained

All very well said pepper.... and everyone has there preferred level oof participation on any site. It also depends on what you want to see. I would never push any social media site on anyone, and of course I was skeptical of Instagram, but......the treasure content is pretty mind blowing when you Taylor your site to your wants. It's t-net on steroids if thats what you want it to be....all social media can be a distraction if allowed. I have been able to leverage social media with money making opportunities so its a bit different than here in that respect. Here is an example of how it works....."hey man....I'd love to invite you over to search my property here in islamorada if your interested.....can you show me about metal detectors ?

It's not often people contact you to give you a permission.....the local population here has embraced me and a couple others for what I'm doing history/treasure related here.....I donate more and more to museums and they are delighted....we all maintain contact on instagram now. I also link stuff to here, and I know there are many lurkers here.....they often DM so I know there is the state!! Working with someone now on the ring in the rock.....he's writing a book on black ceaser, and I have one of the "rings in the rock" from the I know people that we have no idea are watching....just not participating.

All very well said pepper.... and everyone has there preferred level oof participation on any site. It also depends on what you want to see. I would never push any social media site on anyone, and of course I was skeptical of Instagram, but......the treasure content is pretty mind blowing when you Taylor your site to your wants. It's t-net on steroids if thats what you want it to be....all social media can be a distraction if allowed. I have been able to leverage social media with money making opportunities so its a bit different than here in that respect. Here is an example of how it works....."hey man....I'd love to invite you over to search my property here in islamorada if your interested.....can you show me about metal detectors ?

It's not often people contact you to give you a permission.....the local population here has embraced me and a couple others for what I'm doing history/treasure related here.....I donate more and more to museums and they are delighted....we all maintain contact on instagram now. I also link stuff to here, and I know there are many lurkers here.....they often DM so I know there is the state!! Working with someone now on the ring in the rock.....he's writing a book on black ceaser, and I have one of the "rings in the rock" from the I know people that we have no idea are watching....just not participating.
In just the few months I've had a couple of private messages from folks wanting to purchase my finds. One was the collection of shark teeth-go figure :dontknow:
The other one was the recovery of the Ontario Fishers Badge
So both were not regular members but lurkers on the site.
I'd rather have/than had type thing in life right now in life still.

Just cleaned this one up a tad from the outing the other day.
Screen Shot 2023-01-04 at 10.04.04 AM.webp

Ouch… i post every time we go out on Todays finds… now i know i dont find quality coins like Cru… but i always try …but can only show what our random english fields let us have. 😬 xx 😂😂
Ok he's got years of detecting under the belt
You have 1 year on the score card.
Don't under sell yourself blossom because after one year your quality finds out does 90% all the posts ups. :headbang:
(Disclaimer-Green around the gills also of them)
Just because you dig older ding-a-lings than our ding-a-lings over here. :laughing7:

Seriously though you have made some really top shelf recoveries, and you should be stoked about them too.

Morning old texan .... its tough being restricted from doing what you I pretty much gave up on underwater treasure hunting.....I changed my M.O. to shorelines and shallow water (chest to head deep) I poured all my effort into this method and it's paid off for me. BUT......I work in the ocean taking people exploring underwater, spearfishing, and shell diving. I can't help but stumble on discovery this way and I have many interesting shipwrecks to explore. If I could just be allowed to look just in the already salvaged areas with little to no equipment I would quadruple my treasure intake !! Everyone before had these opportunities in the a born and bred islander why can't I pursue this like everyone before me ? The modern shipwreck salve era started right here in 1948 with ART MCKEE. I just want a similar opportunity to explore.....everyone knows you can't bust up and carry off the ballast of the 1733 fleet......but I want access to the right bottom inshore of these wrecks so I can hand work the hurricane debri trails of these wreck sites.Theres plenty of treasure left, and people are certainly getting it when it's one ever here's of anyone getting caught with anything on these sites.....really because no one cares. They can't even really get the people that rob lobster traps underwater. Law enforcement contents itself with measuring snappers from the bridge fisherman, and illegal immigrants, and boats aground !! No time to manage any cultural heritage.

Ouch… i post every time we go out on Todays finds… now i know i dont find quality coins like Cru… but i always try …but can only show what our random english fields let us have. 😬 xx 😂😂
Lady , you and himself's outings are a way for those who won't be visiting (and perhaps for some that will) to see vicariously what a good sample of detecting looks like there.

Your recoveries stand on thier own merit. Can't dig what is not there.
But you two hit a local park with me , finds are going to be newborns in comparison! Don't sell yourself short.

Then there is your perspective. Visible in your pictures of the structure and sights involved.
A dimension of context.

Ah thanks Peps nd RC… i guess the term ‘Treasure’ is relative… i treasure every find, every sight nd every sound every time we go out… to be able to hold something Saxon in my hand blows my mind, and i never care that its not shiny!!! xx

Oh I agree with them blossom 🌸......I rarely comment on your posts, but I like everyone of them. I keep quiet when im out of my element, and I know very little about detecting there. I very rarely post on crus threads either because I just don't know much about Saxon, English, Celt, or Roman finds......I am learning, and still think the hammered from a while back should be up top. Pardon me if I was harsh.....MI whadi would say 😁

I am so happy that I am not involved with any other social media than this site.
Life has enough to keep me busy and entertained...
And i dont want to water it down... and i sure dont want to muck it up with a constant hand on a phone.
Life is short...
Not enough hours in the day as it is... than to spend more hours trying to keep up with any more than this... here.
Im good.

Oh I agree with them blossom 🌸......I rarely comment on your posts, but I like everyone of them. I keep quiet when im out of my element, and I know very little about detecting there. I very rarely post on crus threads either because I just don't know much about Saxon, English, Celt, or Roman finds......I am learning, and still think the hammered from a while back should be up top. Pardon me if I was harsh.....MI whadi would say 😁
Ha bless u Barty!!! 🤗 xx

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