THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

My neighbor told me of a spot where he and his friends would go swimming, and they'd pick up arrowheads each time. For years until after they moved, the flow of arrowheads was constant.

He also said that he worked on our farm as a tobacco planter many years ago. He said "Back then, this yard was a tobacco plot. All of it was. And every time it rained, you could walk out, pic up some flint, and a few arrowheads. Like Clockwork it was".

From his descriptions, this area was an Archaic- then Woodland site. He's found multiple Big Sandys, and multiple Hopewells. Sounds promising. Anyway, he's going to try and find some of the arrowheads he found back then in his storage room.

I hope you find some!
I supposedly live along an Indian trail and there are many who have found artifacts around here. Between the neighbor friends and us, we have only found 5 confirmed artifacts in the past 10 years. All were found in or along the fields, nothing in the creeks. That gets my goat because I watch those videos and it looks like they should be plentiful there.

Good morning, Bart. Sounds like you are grounded.


Good morning and good luck on the arrowhead quest.

Got a whopper of a treasure tip yesterday....seems this guy found some great stuff at about mile marker 10 in waist deep water. A papal medallion in bronze with gold gilt, a pommander, and mutiple solid gold ships spikes. He says back in the day mel fisher tried hard to buy this stuff from him but he never sold. I'm going to talk with him this morning and really dial in on this spot for some hunting.

What are you doing here then? GET GOING!!!

The guy is helping out his buddy at a yard sale.....he told me to come buy in the morning and he will have a box of stuff for ya....its time for me to get over there.....see ya !!

Morning ARC, Rook, WD, Bill, RR, Bart, Bill, and the rest of the crew.

Thanks WD, I wrote down what you said and will pass it along to my son. I assume he knows that, but ya never know :dontknow:
I used tapatalk with my phone but had to delete it for space for a ph app up grade.
Old I-pad is maybe using old TNet app, if it is they get along fine, very few issues. I-pad uses Safari browser.
The new fire 7 tablet I know absolutely nothing about, only that it uses silk as its browser.

Well RR looks like you have adventures coming up good luck on all of them.

Bart it would be awesome if you found some of that treasure.

Morning ARC, Rook, WD, Bill, RR, Bart, Bill, and the rest of the crew.

Thanks WD, I wrote down what you said and will pass it along to my son. I assume he knows that, but ya never know :dontknow:
I used tapatalk with my phone but had to delete it for space for a ph app up grade.
Old I-pad is maybe using old TNet app, if it is they get along fine, very few issues. I-pad uses Safari browser.
The new fire 7 tablet I know absolutely nothing about, only that it uses silk as its browser.

Well RR looks like you have adventures coming up good luck on all of them.

Bart it would be awesome if you found some of that treasure.

Geez, Beeps! I believe you are the jinx! I saw your "likes" and tried to get to the ship and kept getting "502 bad gateway." Then, when I finally made it on board, it took me several attempts to start this reply. LOL! JK!

I have never used an ipad, but I have an iphone that uses Safari. There were issues several months back on that, especially with pop up ads. That is when I downloaded the Firefox for my iphone. No problem since.

I haven't used my old kindle fire tablet for quite some time. I will charge it and let you know what I have going on with that. I am think the Silk doesn't play well with Tnet, but let me verify that. I did like using it though. I just ran out of memory for all the pic and gif posting I like to do.

(See, ARC, I can even lock up my own stuff:BangHead:)

It may take a while for this to charge. It's deader than a door nail.

Kindle fire tablet still works! Amazon Silk (probably just called Silk now), in the upper right drop down menu, choose the private mode. Go directly to and log in.

Oh and Beeps, put a piece of nonclear tape over your camera and mic/recorder spots. Some weirdos out there hack into those.

Oh and Beeps, put a piece of nonclear tape over your camera and mic/recorder spots. Some weirdos out there hack into those.

You talkin bout me?:laughing7: semi clear please.

Duct can make shoes out of it. :laughing

Thanks WD, I will see how far i can get in the e jungle. And i did warn you all of my jinx-e talents.

A large envelope with my RBMN calender's arrived! I'm in the month of March.

I'm telling you, if the train came from the other way, I would have made the cover shot. Next time, I'll sit all day if I must, I'm getting that shot!

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