Good morning crew mates.
I didn't make it on the ship yesterday, things, people, appointments, kept getting in the way.
Here's what happened:
Yesterday I had hopes of getting a lap top. The lady tried my typing technic, finger pecking. She then tried dragon (talk to text).....mind you, I'm sitting next to the lap top. She says "hello dragon" it prints--say it again. This happens several times, she's making adjustments and kept trying.
I said "it's me. I'll just go in the other room". I backed away 10 feet and dragon started working. She looked up at me, looked at my neighbor who was visiting, quickly closed the lap top and put it in her bag. She then says to me "I think we can get you an I-pad."
I warned her earlier about my electronic curse, she believes me now!
After that my son set up the fire 7 tablet I received for Christmas., down loaded the T-net app. I just tried using it to get onto here, and it tells me the server has crashed. So I get the old out dated I-pad and here I am! no crash, no dragon, no problem.
So if I tie the old I-pad, new fire 7 tablet, and what ever I-pad I will be getting together, does that equal a lap top?