THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Change of plans for PA trip #1. I'll try to swindle my way into a trip to the Monongahela river. If not, then train chasing we go.

FullSizeR.webp back to fishing it's about time !! Getting ready for 3-4 months in the Bahamas. Gonna be different than last back and forth flying. We got a house for the whole trip...wooo hooo... gonna treasure hunt hard !!


You know you shouldn't waste all that free smoke. You being an entrepreneur type since you're burning the wood anyway why not learn to smoke some catfish and sell some on the side for some extra loot.

Yeah, sell it to rook. :laughing9:

back to fishing it's about time !! Getting ready for 3-4 months in the Bahamas. Gonna be different than last back and forth flying. We got a house for the whole trip...wooo hooo... gonna treasure hunt hard !!

3-4 months in the bahamas and treasure hunting? Man your job sucks!

P. S. the Mahi looks mad. Ole frowny face going on there.:laughing9:

Ok I have a funny to share. You must sing this to the tune of "My Favorite Things" from the legendary movie "Sound of Music." You know you have heard it played a lot this past month. OK here it goes:

Maalox and nose drops and needles for knitting,
Walkers and handrails and new dental fittings,
Bundles of magazines tied up in string,
These are a few of my favorite things.

Cadillacs and cataracts, and hearing aids and glasses,
Polident and Fixodent and false teeth in glasses,
Pacemakers, golf carts and porches and swings,
These are a few of my favorite things.

When the pipes leak, when the bones creak,
When the knees go bad,
I simply remember my favorite things,
And then I don't feel so bad.

Hot tea and crumpets and corn pads for bunions,
No spicy hot food or food cooked with onions,
Bathrobes and heating pads and hot meals they bring,
These are a few of my favorite things.

Back pain, confused brains and no need for sinnin',
Thin bones and fractures and hair that is thinnin',
And we won't mention our short shrunken frames,
When we remember our favorite things.

When the joints ache, when the hips break,
When the eyes grow dim,
Then I remember the great life I've had,
And then I don't feel so bad!

Good morning crew mates.
I didn't make it on the ship yesterday, things, people, appointments, kept getting in the way.
Here's what happened:

Yesterday I had hopes of getting a lap top. The lady tried my typing technic, finger pecking. She then tried dragon (talk to text).....mind you, I'm sitting next to the lap top. She says "hello dragon" it prints--say it again. This happens several times, she's making adjustments and kept trying.
I said "it's me. I'll just go in the other room". I backed away 10 feet and dragon started working. She looked up at me, looked at my neighbor who was visiting, quickly closed the lap top and put it in her bag. She then says to me "I think we can get you an I-pad."
I warned her earlier about my electronic curse, she believes me now!

After that my son set up the fire 7 tablet I received for Christmas., down loaded the T-net app. I just tried using it to get onto here, and it tells me the server has crashed. So I get the old out dated I-pad and here I am! no crash, no dragon, no problem.
So if I tie the old I-pad, new fire 7 tablet, and what ever I-pad I will be getting together, does that equal a lap top?

WD I don't think this counts as new and improved. It's more of a mix of a little of every thing and hoping some how it all works! Maybe if I dress in one of those suits the astronauts wear while I fiddle with the electronics every thing will be ok.


Morning ARC, Beeps, and Rook. :hello:

I am so glad it is still 2019, 'cause I would have broken my New Year's resolution already. Ooops. :laughing9:

Good morning ARC, Msbeepbeep, rook, WD and the rest of the crew.

Good morning crew mates.
I didn't make it on the ship yesterday, things, people, appointments, kept getting in the way.
Here's what happened:

Yesterday I had hopes of getting a lap top. The lady tried my typing technic, finger pecking. She then tried dragon (talk to text).....mind you, I'm sitting next to the lap top. She says "hello dragon" it prints--say it again. This happens several times, she's making adjustments and kept trying.
I said "it's me. I'll just go in the other room". I backed away 10 feet and dragon started working. She looked up at me, looked at my neighbor who was visiting, quickly closed the lap top and put it in her bag. She then says to me "I think we can get you an I-pad."
I warned her earlier about my electronic curse, she believes me now!

After that my son set up the fire 7 tablet I received for Christmas., down loaded the T-net app. I just tried using it to get onto here, and it tells me the server has crashed. So I get the old out dated I-pad and here I am! no crash, no dragon, no problem.
So if I tie the old I-pad, new fire 7 tablet, and what ever I-pad I will be getting together, does that equal a lap top?

I don't know where to start. ???

Are you trying to use the Tnet App or are you calling it that when you mean tapatalk?
I ask because I read the Tnet app is not supported anymore (doesn't work right) and tapatalk was suggested.

I go straight to the web on all my devices (even on my itty bitty iphone). I don't use tapatalk because I couldn't see as much, nor do as much. Probably operator error there.

If/when you do get something to work for you and you decide to use the web, you need to download something like Firefox and use it in Private Window mode. I know there are other servers besides Firefox, but I don't know their names. I do know that a few times I tried on multiple devices to use Internet Explorer and Chrome and I would have issues even getting the Tnet site to come up. I would get several messages. I don't remember them all, but "the server has crashed" was one of them.

I hope this info helps. 8-)

My neighbor told me of a spot where he and his friends would go swimming, and they'd pick up arrowheads each time. For years until after they moved, the flow of arrowheads was constant.

He also said that he worked on our farm as a tobacco planter many years ago. He said "Back then, this yard was a tobacco plot. All of it was. And every time it rained, you could walk out, pic up some flint, and a few arrowheads. Like Clockwork it was".

From his descriptions, this area was an Archaic- then Woodland site. He's found multiple Big Sandys, and multiple Hopewells. Sounds promising. Anyway, he's going to try and find some of the arrowheads he found back then in his storage room. canceled due to high wind and seas !! That dosent happen often.

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