Going up on Thursday to hunt 1715 fleet for 4 days.....then I come back and dive for the "American shoal archeology project" in the hunt for the 1563 Juan Menendez galleon "el angel bueno". some of the dives I've missed this summer were big ones , and more major discoveries have been found. Of course I risk a breach of contract by showing these incredible finds, but dang man !!! Things are looking better and better every season !! And sometime soon my "Brave wilderness" treasurehunting episode will drop. Then in December I have a mega deal meeting with TV executives. And....ill be staying on the treasure dig boat in keywest while I take my 100 ton captains license....I had this license before but let it expire. Ill attempt to get the towing and sailing endorsements on my license also. And somehow I'll have to professionaly fish too. It looks like fate and destiny will give me the opportunity to transition from fishing to a full time treasure hunter as a job....obviously alot of things must go right, and it still feels unbelievable that this is all happening and coming to fruition so suddenly....life changing decisions are going to have to be made, im scared, excited, and in disbelief to some extent. The ball is rolling and out of my hands....im just gonna be black Bart and not worry or try to change a thing....it seems surreal right now, and to have everything come together on different fronts is amazing !!
There is a chance that my time on treasure net may be limited in the future....im not sure how it will play out ?? I know most folks who have careers in treasure have taken such abuse here on t-net that they have had to limit there presence here, or drop off entirely. Gary Drayton, finders keepers, black duck, ropefish, and others come to mind. If I take a major pummeling here on t-net after the brave wilderness show by the trolls, ill be forced to limit my presence. Im also not sure about non disclosure contracts, and if ill even be able to post about things. The good news is I think a random chat thread is about the safest place to talk about other things and keep my presence here on t-net.....I hope !! I follow Gary Drayton on instagram, and he rarely says much about his work....he does post treasure, but mostly likes to make puns, and post pics of nature, and his dog. He does post shots of nice finds too. I see him traveling everywhere to treasure hunt and getting paid to treasure hunt has always been a dream....there is an ever growing chance I may be able to realize this dream....I must take the chance and try !! I can always climb back on a fishing boat for work....win lose or draw.