Well good day RC, Evan, old texan, and those a sandbagging.
Went to the feed store, to load up on the bird seed.
Now the wearer of the thing must be deaf, messed the order up twice-she forgot the cracked corn.
I tried on a jacket.
With the layers on it fit good.
Well that's a woman jacket, oh.
Well what's the difference between the man's then.
Well that one just longer.
Well mam this works great for length then.
The man's rode up the back a tad.
Cold wind, digging =not getting chilled
So off I go to look at a property, "KEEP OUT" "NO TRESPASSING"
Oh look truck by shack, generator, human.
Chat, friendly, owns the property, you can detect the land anytime.
Didn't even ask outright.
The 90yr old mother drives up.
Weather, her concerns about calves, fields.
"Mom this fellow metal detects"
What about the log house, the moonshiner's place.
You go show him.
Now nice owner how many acres do you own?
Err, ah, um,

1600 - but some is bush.
Sweet permission
Over grown site, but let's start mapping.