Weather and bones and too much driving plus other pains just ganging up on me.Oh no, I don’t want it back, but I certainly don’t want you to have it either! I know, I am being selfish.
Didn't take any aspirin or anything yesterday as I was supposed to be at the dental place. By this morning whoo boo hoo.
And still not supposed to take anything.
I think the Dr. gave me an extra cut for missing yesterdays appointment.
When I apologized he said I shouldn't have mentioned it as he'd already forgot.
But I finally took something when I got home and laid down to whimper. And listen to the dogs bark. Still plotting which one to stalk with a big spoon and metal pan for a gong first when it relaxes. And thinking maybe an airhorn would be good too.
No , I won't. But I can think it....
Guys blowin smoke up my butt insist they'll start on my custom hunting blind tonight or tomorrow.
Started communication at the end of June.
Drop dead date the first of Sept..
Of course like the dogs barking earlier , I just think of what not to do.
But did just text that they must be a busy outfit and I'll remember that when I relax in the blind.