Look my uncle also likes to leave old cars laying around lol.
Which one , which one.... Maybe the Bug.
Was popular to cut a V.W. Bug off just in front of the trans axel and weld a motor bike frame on cut to fit it.
Or build a frame to attach.
I donated some bike parts to a former co-workers build.
A cool ride. He rode it a long ways to work for a while.
An old gal bumped his pully guard at a grocery store one day.
He looked at it and only spotted a little dent in the guard.
Waved her off. Only to find she had bumped the shaft the pully was on and no more vroom vroom...
A couple days ago one went by on the road going the other direction that the builder left the body from the transaxel back on with the rear window removed.
But so were those Bugs on the road.
A friend paid 30 or 60 dollars for one.
Interior angel hair carpeted. Hooie!
We rigged some bindertwine or something on the throttle one day when something broke.
Push starting those was a breeze. A banker neighbors wife had one with a bad battery us kids push started for quite a while. Cheap guy!
A sister drove one a long time until a boyfriend totaled it.