THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Getting word that ill be doing a guest appearance on discover Florida Channel with the lovely "lady wild bones". Then I will be doing a full episode on treasure, as co host. Might get a recurring role if all goes well !!

Getting word that ill be doing a guest appearance on discover Florida Channel with the lovely "lady wild bones". Then I will be doing a full episode on treasure, as co host. Might get a recurring role if all goes well !!
That’s awesome news!

Looks like the support pulley for a side rolling door.Like on WWII airplane hangars.Could be wrong,often am,more often than not in fact,but first impression!:icon_thumleft:
Yep for the barn door that was once on the property. It’s going to look good on the she-shed.

Great morning all, hope you're all having a good day. I'm stuck up in the hills in a place called Cathy's valley. Tis too lonely for me and my anxiety brain hates lonely. Too much time for my mind too wonder and tis not good for me. My days here can't end soon enough lol. I'll take some pictures of what's around here to show how eh it is. Though I'm happy there is a random bar right across the road I shall hang out there so I don't lose my mind lol

Great morning all, hope you're all having a good day. I'm stuck up in the hills in a place called Cathy's valley. Tis too lonely for me and my anxiety brain hates lonely. Too much time for my mind too wonder and tis not good for me. My days here can't end soon enough lol. I'll take some pictures of what's around here to show how eh it is. Though I'm happy there is a random bar right across the road I shall hang out there so I don't lose my mind lol

Walls closing in already? What took so long?
I don't get lonely anymore when isolated. My ringing ears keep me entertained...

Hang in there.
Someday when you're on a social treadmill on high speed and twenty voices are making no sense ; such a respite might be welcomed. At least for three or so minutes...

Don't become a professional barfly or permanent fixture on a barstool.
But if you do , make big money at it somehow!
I'll spare you too many ways to have fun /get in trouble in a bar. (Not sure but there might be a difference sometimes. And often both become not fun sometimes depending on the results).
Like declaring you'll arm wrestle anyone in the bar for 5 dollars.
Then when a gorilla pins your arm tell him , "allright. Now give me my 5 dollars".
When he insists he won , tell him you said ," I'll arm wrestle anybody for 5 bucks. I didn't say I had to win."

A new Irish "friend" and I in a bar , (and he with recent pins in an arm ) might have pushed it to far one night when an angry drunk was shaking him by his shirt front trying to get a dollar from him. I don't recall him getting his dollar. Either of them. But the drunk got a dollars worth of shaking the guy!
(A dollar because that was long ago and five bucks might have scared even the alcohol fueled confident off.)

Walls closing in already? What took so long?
I don't get lonely anymore when isolated. My ringing ears keep me entertained...

Hang in there.
Someday when you're on a social treadmill on high speed and twenty voices are making no sense ; such a respite might be welcomed. At least for three or so minutes...

Don't become a professional barfly or permanent fixture on a barstool.
But if you do , make big money at it somehow!
I'll spare you too many ways to have fun /get in trouble in a bar. (Not sure but there might be a difference sometimes. And often both become not fun sometimes depending on the results).
Like declaring you'll arm wrestle anyone in the bar for 5 dollars.
Then when a gorilla pins your arm tell him , "allright. Now give me my 5 dollars".
When he insists he won , tell him you said ," I'll arm wrestle anybody for 5 bucks. I didn't say I had to win."

A new Irish "friend" and I in a bar , (and he with recent pins in an arm ) might have pushed it to far one night when an angry drunk was shaking him by his shirt front trying to get a dollar from him. I don't recall him getting his dollar. Either of them. But the drunk got a dollars worth of shaking the guy!
(A dollar because that was long ago and five bucks might have scared even the alcohol fueled confident off.)
I made friends with the owners of the bar as this isn't my first time doing this job. They let me sit in there and be social and tell me I don't have to drink or buy anything to hang out. So I don't even drink when I'm there I just be social so I can keep my anxiety at stable levels

I made friends with the owners of the bar as this isn't my first time doing this job. They let me sit in there and be social and tell me I don't have to drink or buy anything to hang out. So I don't even drink when I'm there I just be social so I can keep my anxiety at stable levels
Day three.
JVA gazes out his Uncles window across the street.
Wishing he hadn't tried the arm wrestling joke and was still allowed in the joint.

Old building in the nearby village had a history. A bar that was asocial hub.
Tiny village. I stopped late one night on a drive /escape from a big city I was surviving almost a year and sat on a sidewalk bench.
A preying mantis was going about it's business near on the edge of an electric lit brick building.
Once in a great while a vehicle would go by on the former main route , since replaced with a highway miles away diverting the traffic that used to sustain suck little places. Traffic and development no longer following rail lines , but now new highways.

A pedestrian came along across the street. Wow . traffic!
Stopped and peeked in the bar window and then resumed course along the sidewalk.

Oh the people and events over the years since.
We smuggled a live rabbit in there once.
I've been in with a hunting dog. Probably more than once.

"Miller Bill" wisely decided his drinking had become a liability and so quit.
But living alone near my place where it's quiet as far as human traffic in the woods , most mornings he's show up with a newspaper. Sit at the bar and drink iced tea.
Catch the noon news and head out. He'd have enough socializing by then.

You're understood.
Another small bar folks looked out for each other. To a point.
Potlucks on holidays so no one need be isolated. Regardless of if sociable or not.
Nascar "parties" during races , anyone could help themselves to potluck or a hello. Or either or both.
There was a place they could go for as much or little socialization as they desired. But they didn't have to be isolated.
Be civil and be well.

Both them bars are done. One now a restaurant and the other has been through multiple owners that all missed the history and probably what anchored them.
Former patrons bounced around. Many died over time.
Not sure what's left for folks looking to just pop in without a fuss or expectations of a big profit from thier visit. A social hub is not a business like some used to be. Though substitutes exist.
Old timers having coffee at an impersonal chain restaurant's big table by the door isn't quite the same.
And younger generations interactions with them are slim.

Day three.
JVA gazes out his Uncles window across the street.
Wishing he hadn't tried the arm wrestling joke and was still allowed in the joint.

Old building in the nearby village had a history. A bar that was asocial hub.
Tiny village. I stopped late one night on a drive /escape from a big city I was surviving almost a year and sat on a sidewalk bench.
A preying mantis was going about it's business near on the edge of an electric lit brick building.
Once in a great while a vehicle would go by on the former main route , since replaced with a highway miles away diverting the traffic that used to sustain suck little places. Traffic and development no longer following rail lines , but now new highways.

A pedestrian came along across the street. Wow . traffic!
Stopped and peeked in the bar window and then resumed course along the sidewalk.

Oh the people and events over the years since.
We smuggled a live rabbit in there once.
I've been in with a hunting dog. Probably more than once.

"Miller Bill" wisely decided his drinking had become a liability and so quit.
But living alone near my place where it's quiet as far as human traffic in the woods , most mornings he's show up with a newspaper. Sit at the bar and drink iced tea.
Catch the noon news and head out. He'd have enough socializing by then.

You're understood.
Another small bar folks looked out for each other. To a point.
Potlucks on holidays so no one need be isolated. Regardless of if sociable or not.
Nascar "parties" during races , anyone could help themselves to potluck or a hello. Or either or both.
There was a place they could go for as much or little socialization as they desired. But they didn't have to be isolated.
Be civil and be well.

Both them bars are done. One now a restaurant and the other has been through multiple owners that all missed the history and probably what anchored them.
Former patrons bounced around. Many died over time.
Not sure what's left for folks looking to just pop in without a fuss or expectations of a big profit from thier visit. A social hub is not a business like some used to be. Though substitutes exist.
Old timers having coffee at an impersonal chain restaurant's big table by the door isn't quite the same.
And younger generations interactions with them are slim.
I'll just busy myself catching critters and pointlessly metal detecting here

I'll just busy myself catching critters and pointlessly metal detecting here
Should be some detecting leads in the bar.
A barkeep put me on to one old house razed on a public lot that only looks like a mowed field now.
Also gave me intel on where the Civil war era bandshell was in a park I detect.

Some locals know history of places. That small village near me burned.
Buildings were put up farther away from the tracks. A good idea being a train was suspect in causing the fire...

One patron I discussed detecting with recounted a lost purse and it's contents when fishing with his mother as a child. And in what lake ect.
And did I know a diver?
Old guy. Third generation on his Gramps homestead.

Community worker had a tale of a practice fire to get rid of an old building that put me on quite a chase.
A bank teller that knew the deceased homestead owner had a note of something worth noting in his habit of how much silver in his transactions back when.

(Beats watching walls close in... I know!)

Should be some detecting leads in the bar.
A barkeep put me on to one old house razed on a public lot that only looks like a mowed field now.
Also gave me intel on where the Civil war era bandshell was in a park I detect.

Some locals know history of places. That small village near me burned.
Buildings were put up farther away from the tracks. A good idea being a train was suspect in causing the fire...

One patron I discussed detecting with recounted a lost purse and it's contents when fishing with his mother as a child. And in what lake ect.
And did I know a diver?
Old guy. Third generation on his Gramps homestead.

Community worker had a tale of a practice fire to get rid of an old building that put me on quite a chase.
A bank teller that knew the deceased homestead owner had a note of something worth noting in his habit of how much silver in his transactions back when.

(Beats watching walls close in... I know!)
There was a old house and a bar once on this property but my uncle had a ton of junk all over the place here throughout the years so makes detecting here suck and the ground is like rock this time of year

There was a old house and a bar once on this property but my uncle had a ton of junk all over the place here throughout the years so makes detecting here suck and the ground is like rock this time of year
I should donate some recoveries to the one tiny sometimes open museum in a park I pulled them out of....

One bar had a tiny creek under the floor that long ago chilled stuff.
It had been reduced as the area was drained but the owner at the time said there was still a trickle.
Not sure why I didn't insist he let me detect it , (!) but that would have been great on a hot summers day.

A very old store by a river had a creek go under it. Maybe a similar deal.
The tale I was told was an owner fenced trout under it. Raised chickens on wire above the trout...
Having found old bottles in dirt basements (secret indulgence or just dodging summer heat briefly? The consumer of the bottles , not me. Right?) that old store still stands annoyingly unsearched by me.

One job I had in the city I got paid for lunch break if I ate on site. (I'd be on call.)
Hot days I'd go in the dirt basement of an old home on the property where it was nice and cool.
Hey , I was on site!

Floors weren't too compacted in those old basements.
One had interesting levels. Like exaggerated stair steps. The topmost under the floor is where I scored a couple real old bottles.
They went to Dad who put them on a shelf in a bar he worked in.
He turned down one offer for them I might not have.
Bar sold. Bottles evaporated. L.o.l..

I made friends with the owners of the bar as this isn't my first time doing this job. They let me sit in there and be social and tell me I don't have to drink or buy anything to hang out. So I don't even drink when I'm there I just be social so I can keep my anxiety at stable levels

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