THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Very true my grandpa is a decorated marine and Vietnam vet. Very tough and has some crazy stories
Semper Fi to your Gramps. There are no former Marines,there are active duty Marines,retired Marines,Reserve Marines and Marine vets,Regardless,once the title is earned,it is retained!

Third shark attack this week.
Looks like my forecasting of the frequency of this is coming to fruition.
Some ... in fact many may find what i am about to say ...ummm... well... who cares...

The laws protecting sharks have, are and will cause / do more harm then good.
The natural balance is out of whack now... and we will continue to see a rise in this.

You cannot allow the shark numbers to rise whilst other species numbers continue to decrease.
Protection of a dominant species... while not protecting its food sources will eventually unbalance the whole shibang.

Numbers of shark have exponentially rebounded to numbers that have tipped the balance... and eventually there will be a point where you will be taking an extreme risk entering water...

FOR.... the competition for food sources will force shark to try and eat all that moves in the water.
FOR... this is what shark do... and all they do... EAT anything and everything they can or think they can.

IMO... Shark fishing limit laws should be looked at very closely and implemented.

And dont think this is a "fear of shark" thing... this is a fear of shark eating everything that moves including every other endangered thing in the ocean.

Depletion of an already fragile fishery is inedible.

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Third shark attack this week.
Looks like my forecasting of the frequency of this is coming to fruition.
Some ... in fact many may find what i am about to say ...ummm... well... who cares...

The laws protecting sharks have, are and will cause / do more harm then good.
The natural balance is out of whack now... and we will continue to see a rise in this.

You cannot allow the shark numbers to rise whilst other species numbers continue to decrease.
Protection of something that other species... including us... needs protection from is going to bite us in the arse.

Numbers of shark have exponentially rebounded to numbers that have tipped the balance... and eventually there will be a point where you will be taking an extreme risk entering water...

FOR.... the competition for food sources will force shark to try and eat all that moves in the water.
FOR... this is what shark do... and all they do... EAT anything and everything they can or think they can.

IMO... Shark fishing limit laws should be looked at very closely and implemented.
More folks in the water=more bites.
Over fishing of one species=unbalanced system
Chubby thigh=lunch to a shark
Probably looks much like a fat Seal to them=natural pry.

Good morning oh Wise ones, may the gods of treasure hunting bestow good fortune on your upturned cherub like faces this day xx
Morning blossom
May the week go fast so the return of the weekend digging comes sooner.

Third shark attack this week.
Looks like my forecasting of the frequency of this is coming to fruition.
Some ... in fact many may find what i am about to say ...ummm... well... who cares...

The laws protecting sharks have, are and will cause / do more harm then good.
The natural balance is out of whack now... and we will continue to see a rise in this.

You cannot allow the shark numbers to rise whilst other species numbers continue to decrease.
Protection of a dominant species... while not protecting its food sources will eventually unbalance the whole shibang.

Numbers of shark have exponentially rebounded to numbers that have tipped the balance... and eventually there will be a point where you will be taking an extreme risk entering water...

FOR.... the competition for food sources will force shark to try and eat all that moves in the water.
FOR... this is what shark do... and all they do... EAT anything and everything they can or think they can.

IMO... Shark fishing limit laws should be looked at very closely and implemented.

And dont think this is a "fear of shark" thing... this is a fear of shark eating everything that moves including every other endangered thing in the ocean.

Depletion of an already fragile fishery is inedible.
I fished for them for 20+years.....we were thectop producing shark boat in the United States for 10 years in a row. They must be fished to a certain extent or the population grows out of proportion to the rest of the ecosystem. Years and years of conservation has allowed the resident shark population to spike disproportionately to the prey population. I just watched shark week with Jack was the most blatant and sick thing I've seen advertised as entertainment.......we will crash this jack ass into a hungry pack of sharks and see what happens.......he was attacked and almost lost his hand on national T.V. so for entertainment value we actually intentionally got someone attacked and filmed it for entertainment in the name of research and shark awareness ?? Complete bullsh.t !! Shark week is a scam disguised as research and shark awareness.....its a blatant money making event capitalizing on a false sense of protecting sharks. How many more need to be probed, tagged, drug aboard a boat, or tricked into biting a cardboard seal ?? Its an excuse for the rich spoiled trustfund hippie pot head kids to pretend there marinebioligists and are doing something important with there lives. There just waiting for there turn in the shark cage for there own social media pics......look at me, look at a cool shark activist !! These people's activities are artificially boosting the shark population by over protecting one species and damn near ignoring the other problems arising from to much focus on one species. Does anybody really think that a one week self imposed holiday of shark money making promotions is for the conservation of is 100% the overt capitalization of the shark for profit......if were gonna Celebrate shark week make it a national holiday and give us the week off !! I love the way they time it out to the peak of the summer so we are at the height of shark attack season, and the mini lobster dive season. If I told you I was gonna throw a person in a shark pit and film it you would say thats sick and disgusting......thats exactly what they did in the name of shark awareness.....I could not let my son watch this gross capitalization of a shark attack. I never thought I would see someone thrown to the sharks to be attacked for T.V. ratings......but thats exactly what they did.....they should be banned !!

I fished for them for 20+years.....we were thectop producing shark boat in the United States for 10 years in a row. They must be fished to a certain extent or the population grows out of proportion to the rest of the ecosystem. Years and years of conservation has allowed the resident shark population to spike disproportionately to the prey population. I just watched shark week with Jack was the most blatant and sick thing I've seen advertised as entertainment.......we will crash this jack ass into a hungry pack of sharks and see what happens.......he was attacked and almost lost his hand on national T.V. so for entertainment value we actually intentionally got someone attacked and filmed it for entertainment in the name of research and shark awareness ?? Complete bullsh.t !! Shark week is a scam disguised as research and shark awareness.....its a blatant money making event capitalizing on a false sense of protecting sharks. How many more need to be probed, tagged, drug aboard a boat, or tricked into biting a cardboard seal ?? Its an excuse for the rich spoiled trustfund hippie pot head kids to pretend there marinebioligists and are doing something important with there lives. There just waiting for there turn in the shark cage for there own social media pics......look at me, look at a cool shark activist !! These people's activities are artificially boosting the shark population by over protecting one species and damn near ignoring the other problems arising from to much focus on one species. Does anybody really think that a one week self imposed holiday of shark money making promotions is for the conservation of is 100% the overt capitalization of the shark for profit......if were gonna Celebrate shark week make it a national holiday and give us the week off !! I love the way they time it out to the peak of the summer so we are at the height of shark attack season, and the mini lobster dive season. If I told you I was gonna throw a person in a shark pit and film it you would say thats sick and disgusting......thats exactly what they did in the name of shark awareness.....I could not let my son watch this gross capitalization of a shark attack. I never thought I would see someone thrown to the sharks to be attacked for T.V. ratings......but thats exactly what they did.....they should be banned !!
Good rant.
I'm sure glad I cut the cable 9yrs ago and miss the reality TV need to see, that world has.
The hype that goes into a production click bait is at a level where the actual factual part has been skewed so badly that the BS flows freely.
I have to look up most references to most programs that are referred to in the different discussions.
Is it a bad thing not to be so informed about the current trends of the boobtube-probably not.

I fished for them for 20+years.....we were thectop producing shark boat in the United States for 10 years in a row. They must be fished to a certain extent or the population grows out of proportion to the rest of the ecosystem. Years and years of conservation has allowed the resident shark population to spike disproportionately to the prey population. I just watched shark week with Jack was the most blatant and sick thing I've seen advertised as entertainment.......we will crash this jack ass into a hungry pack of sharks and see what happens.......he was attacked and almost lost his hand on national T.V. so for entertainment value we actually intentionally got someone attacked and filmed it for entertainment in the name of research and shark awareness ?? Complete bullsh.t !! Shark week is a scam disguised as research and shark awareness.....its a blatant money making event capitalizing on a false sense of protecting sharks. How many more need to be probed, tagged, drug aboard a boat, or tricked into biting a cardboard seal ?? Its an excuse for the rich spoiled trustfund hippie pot head kids to pretend there marinebioligists and are doing something important with there lives. There just waiting for there turn in the shark cage for there own social media pics......look at me, look at a cool shark activist !! These people's activities are artificially boosting the shark population by over protecting one species and damn near ignoring the other problems arising from to much focus on one species. Does anybody really think that a one week self imposed holiday of shark money making promotions is for the conservation of is 100% the overt capitalization of the shark for profit......if were gonna Celebrate shark week make it a national holiday and give us the week off !! I love the way they time it out to the peak of the summer so we are at the height of shark attack season, and the mini lobster dive season. If I told you I was gonna throw a person in a shark pit and film it you would say thats sick and disgusting......thats exactly what they did in the name of shark awareness.....I could not let my son watch this gross capitalization of a shark attack. I never thought I would see someone thrown to the sharks to be attacked for T.V. ratings......but thats exactly what they did.....they should be banned !!
**ARC Smiles***


Brother from another mother I say.

I especially like the "look at me" part.... frigging stupidity of those who think what they do is "cool".
Personally i think they are only making the UN-OBVIOUS TO THEM problem worse.

They may even know... but dont care for its the only "ride" they got to money or some ass from the chicks that group-on in the "doing some good" thing.

Wait till one day it all goes bad on film.

Chumming water / baiting TO GET good footage on film is conditioning sharks to associate humans with food and is a HUGE mistake long term.

One day this will finally dawn on them... i am sure after that one major fatal attack that turns off viewers and the "trend" now turns in on them and the fact that teasing sharks for footage is actually a bad / negative thing.

In 1992 we when we went off backpacking we visited Fiji. On an island off the main island there was a guest cottage/camping spot.
We were told to swim/play in a certain area-not to go over to another area/they had fish traps "not a good swim spot" We respected the owners advise-never really questioned it.
Down towards the village there was a pier-butcher threw all the entrails/parts to the fish, and sharks.
Some 9 months later on the travel in another country we met up with some other travellers, and Fiji came up, and this island, the campsite. They then told us that a backpacker was attached and killed at the spot that the owner told us not to swim at.
Seems the man and family were trying to catch/kill the shark but never could before the hiker just went and played in the forbidden zone.

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