THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

and now....the bombshell.....this one here is not from the 1733 fleet !! Found about a 1/4 mile up the same beach from the 1733 coin cache.....this coin is 1600s !! And is just one of many others with my latest being 1659 and earliest being 1621 !! Another wreck ?? Survivors from off shore ? Pirates? Its a mystery !!


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ha… I fear I would be instantly banned if I quoted my actual response to holding Eddie in my grubby paw 😂 … x
No fear blossom
After listening to the pirates all these years on the ship, the use to the occasional word of excitement is expected.
I myself not so, even though I have been called a "Potty mouth" which I held like a badge of honour for many moons.

I have to research this shield and get a date range !!View attachment 2039512 you can tell that this one was high and dry for most of its life....such a beauty !!
Details Bart?
You found, bought, dry sand, dune, bush, night, day, bar, store, coffin, tell us more.
(Exclude GPS location)
Give me more sir

Dang! The death toll is upsetting. Kind of a fiasco with those not following the rules.

Details Bart?
You found, bought, dry sand, dune, bush, night, day, bar, store, coffin, tell us more.
(Exclude GPS location)
Give me more sir
Found by me high and dry 1/4 mile from the 1733 site.....this site has coins dating from 1621-1659.....I need to see if I can date range this sheild....I know its 1600, but 1620s ? 1640s? 1680s ? It will help date wreck/beach camp.

Oh , I get it now. Our first mate is refreshing our memories and bringing the newbies up to speed. And he reveals the new incredible treasures and tale and mystery that abounds.
Oh it's refreshing to be not to be a newbie anymore.
From the ongoing cusslass training on/below the decks, I've grown accustom to the sharp tongued pirates.

Oh it's refreshing to be not to be a newbie anymore.
From the ongoing cusslass training on/below the decks, I've grown accustom to the sharp tongued pirates.
Oh shite!
You were referring to pirate treasure
Me bad

Just a second, I'll ✔️
Nope, the Mrs pirate has him grounded.
(Disclaimer Purely speculation on the cat's part)
But to put it more politely he might be a tad kitty whipped.

Nope, the Mrs pirate has him grounded.
(Disclaimer Purely speculation on the cat's part)
But to put it more politely he might be a tad kitty whipped.
Oh no big identification error 😢
oh that pirate ☠️
He's busy trying to dislodge the encrusted barnacles from between the Cap'n toes.
Image that and we thought toe jam was bad.
I feel for the fellow mate.
Running rum helped drown the horrible duties that he faces each day.
I'm so glad to be hankering down in the bilges.
I've got the best bed now, as I found some great ballast stones that lay flat.
Got meself a long one tht tucks under the neck.
Now training those furry 🐀 🐀 🐀 🐀 to keep me bones from shivering is going to be hard.
They prefer the upper decks at night.:dontknow:

Second thought, no make this the 5th thought 🤔
Where's crash?
One the same
No blame
That it seems they're the same
That's insane
To blame
What's the aim
The fame
Don't fan the flame
It's the same
To blame?
Not the same
Enough of this game
It was lame
To blame
The same
Of playing a game

Second thought, no make this the 5th thought 🤔
Where's crash?
One the same
No blame
That it seems they're the same
That's insane
To blame
What's the aim
The fame
Don't fan the flame
It's the same
To blame?
Not the same
Enough of this game
It was lame
To blame
The same
Of playing a game
Genius wordsmithery Peps 😆

Reminds of that verse in the old shanty…

Crashy and Travy went off for a jaunt,
Two ner do wells, in bars do they haunt.
While much rum was had,
Spelt trouble for others,
We just love the Barnicle Brothers …

(Queue the horn blowing instrumental break ) 🎶🎶

What are those yellow things🤔 lemons???
Crooknecked squash.

Low amount of runner type vines and more a bush style.
I didn't know that and expected to train runners out of my little raised bed.
Instead one hill of them is shading out my carrots!

I should take a picture someday.
I'm so proud to have something green out in the sandy front yard besides weeds and crabgrass. l.o.l..

and now....the bombshell.....this one here is not from the 1733 fleet !! Found about a 1/4 mile up the same beach from the 1733 coin cache.....this coin is 1600s !! And is just one of many others with my latest being 1659 and earliest being 1621 !! Another wreck ?? Survivors from off shore ? Pirates? Its a mystery !!
Dayyummmmm Bart!

Great. I'm now messed up for life.
I have to work on a new mantra.
"Do not sell all and head South."
"Do not sell all and head South."

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