It's raining here and there might be a good amount of it today.
Nice steady drizzle that goes in, instead of running off.
Hooked up the 300 gallon tote to the shop downspout.
Had the field cut/baled/removed.
The rancher said they got it done at 11pm.
She said there wasn't time this morning before the forecasted rain.
101-4'×4' round bales count.
The baler count was 110, but th operator said 107.
But the count was off because of the opening for clogged rollers, and twine issues.
So another worry put to rest.
Now to give the fencer a call, and ask him the why was I shocked?
Nice steady drizzle that goes in, instead of running off.
Hooked up the 300 gallon tote to the shop downspout.
Had the field cut/baled/removed.
The rancher said they got it done at 11pm.
She said there wasn't time this morning before the forecasted rain.
101-4'×4' round bales count.
The baler count was 110, but th operator said 107.
But the count was off because of the opening for clogged rollers, and twine issues.
So another worry put to rest.
Now to give the fencer a call, and ask him the why was I shocked?