THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

It's raining here and there might be a good amount of it today.
Nice steady drizzle that goes in, instead of running off.
Hooked up the 300 gallon tote to the shop downspout.
Had the field cut/baled/removed.
The rancher said they got it done at 11pm.
She said there wasn't time this morning before the forecasted rain.
101-4'×4' round bales count.
The baler count was 110, but th operator said 107.
But the count was off because of the opening for clogged rollers, and twine issues.
So another worry put to rest.
Now to give the fencer a call, and ask him the why was I shocked?

Mornin all.

WD: You'll have a riot.

A friend used to dive the river and pick lead (from the salmon snagging era , average one ounce each snagging hook) and lures.

A diver before the Newago dam was removed claimed many pounds of lead in ten minutes. Plus lots of lures.
He reported snags/trees that looked like Christmas trees there was so much tackle on them.
Which I believe. As I've pulled some snags with a self built grappling hook that yielded lots of lures.

Another guy I knew used to snorkel a river near me where tubers and canoe renters lost all kinds of stuff. Full beers. A money clip one time. Sunglasses and more sunglasses . Ect..

Anywhere boats launch or dock , ice fishing sites.
Heck , if I could have back the ice spuds and anchors I've seen go bye bye...

The newer style method of using Augers to drill through Ice has had a few augers go through the ice. They make a "keeper" disc now for many.

A lake nearby has a scuttled canoe divers report past the launch in deeper water.
A museum farther on has a birchbark canoe recovered out of the first lake I knew. (And fished!)

Not a new frontier. But a less hunted one around this region for you(s)!


I have a great memory of promotions and certificates of merit.

PepperJ-Works in the bilge with the furry bilge rats(he's great friends with bilge Ben now)

"Traveller" on the other hand under states his 2nd Class Cabin Boy status so not to draw attention to his promotional aptitudes to which he brown nosed from the Captain.

He then gave the Monday calendar status to Pepperj.
Which means to live forever on a Monday, so to clean up after the weekend party of puke ups from the drunken pirate ship.
There you have it sir in a nut shell.
I won't forget this Monday-pass the mop and pail please.

I took some time to calm down before replying to your brown nose comment. I respectfully disagree sir, for I find that comment a repulsive attack on the intelligence of our illustrious Cap'n. To state he is so ignorant he can not recognize when a brown nose is playing him is no where close to the truth about our dear Cap'n. He can not stand obsequious pirates and does not tolerate sycophants. He is the most intelligent, the best looking, and the most fair Cap'n that ever sailed the Seven Seas. When he walks in a room the lights must be dimmed due to his brilliance lighting up the room. It is the greatest honor of my life to serve him. You as First Mate surely should recognize the glory of his leadership. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! ON YOU FIRST MATE PEPPER!
I say none of this to gain favor with our dear Cap'n, but I simply speak the truth of his magnificent leadership.

Respectfully yours,
Soon to be Galley Mate 1st Class

I took some time to calm down before replying to your brown nose comment. I respectfully disagree sir, for I find that comment a repulsive attack on the intelligence of our illustrious Cap'n. To state he is so ignorant he can not recognize when a brown nose is playing him is no where close to the truth about our dear Cap'n. He can not stand obsequious pirates and does not tolerate sycophants. He is the most intelligent, the best looking, and the most fair Cap'n that ever sailed the Seven Seas. When he walks in a room the lights must be dimmed due to his brilliance lighting up the room. It is the greatest honor of my life to serve him. You as First Mate surely should recognize the glory of his leadership. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! ON YOU FIRST MATE PEPPER!
I say none of this to gain favor with our dear Cap'n, but I simply speak the truth of his magnificent leadership.

Respectfully yours,
Soon to be Galley Mate 1st Class
Its working. ... um how about a promotion ? ? ?

From now on you are "Dishwasher Helper".


Good morning all hope everyone has a good day.

Good morning John
Hope the sorting is going well.
There is a few terms that garner more interest for a sale.

If having a sale have the header: Estate Sale
This automatically says treasures to be hold to the buyers mind.

List of what's for sale: Cover as many topics as possible
Hobbyists, tools, toys, antique, vintage, click bait words that draw the crowds.
No reasonable offer will be refused.
Display the goods well, meaning have a neat organized sale, where folks can spread out a bit, look at the different categories of sale items.

Some doing sales buy/sell, organizing, appraisals, there's one thing that I have never done, dumped it in a heap, mixed up, and hard to see the items.
Folks want to see, touch, hear the story if there is one to be heard.
All valuables put in a glass covered display.
Amazing how fast things walk away unguarded.

I took some time to calm down before replying to your brown nose comment. I respectfully disagree sir, for I find that comment a repulsive attack on the intelligence of our illustrious Cap'n. To state he is so ignorant he can not recognize when a brown nose is playing him is no where close to the truth about our dear Cap'n. He can not stand obsequious pirates and does not tolerate sycophants. He is the most intelligent, the best looking, and the most fair Cap'n that ever sailed the Seven Seas. When he walks in a room the lights must be dimmed due to his brilliance lighting up the room. It is the greatest honor of my life to serve him. You as First Mate surely should recognize the glory of his leadership. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! ON YOU FIRST MATE PEPPER!
I say none of this to gain favor with our dear Cap'n, but I simply speak the truth of his magnificent leadership.

Respectfully yours,
Soon to be Galley Mate 1st Class
No... after some rereading reflection... I think from now on you shall be "ships story teller" !

I like your play on words in such a magnificent and colorful elaborative way.... you have a true gift and should continue honing your skills.

One tidbit of advice though...

You should really try to emphasize and work on your positive descriptivism of the Captain.

Good morning John
Hope the sorting is going well.
There is a few terms that garner more interest for a sale.

If having a sale have the header: Estate Sale
This automatically says treasures to be hold to the buyers mind.

List of what's for sale: Cover as many topics as possible
Hobbyists, tools, toys, antique, vintage, click bait words that draw the crowds.
No reasonable offer will be refused.
Display the goods well, meaning have a neat organized sale, where folks can spread out a bit, look at the different categories of sale items.

Some doing sales buy/sell, organizing, appraisals, there's one thing that I have never done, dumped it in a heap, mixed up, and hard to see the items.
Folks want to see, touch, hear the story if there is one to be heard.
All valuables put in a glass covered display.
Amazing how fast things walk away unguarded.
My family doesn't much care anymore everyone is so frustrated with everything it's just about getting rid of things at thus point. Most expensive things are too big to walk away with, most of the antiques I took and things like valuable jeweler went to my mother and aunt. This whole process of having to sell this property has been a pain.

I took some time to calm down before replying to your brown nose comment. I respectfully disagree sir, for I find that comment a repulsive attack on the intelligence of our illustrious Cap'n. To state he is so ignorant he can not recognize when a brown nose is playing him is no where close to the truth about our dear Cap'n. He can not stand obsequious pirates and does not tolerate sycophants. He is the most intelligent, the best looking, and the most fair Cap'n that ever sailed the Seven Seas. When he walks in a room the lights must be dimmed due to his brilliance lighting up the room. It is the greatest honor of my life to serve him. You as First Mate surely should recognize the glory of his leadership. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! ON YOU FIRST MATE PEPPER!
I say none of this to gain favor with our dear Cap'n, but I simply speak the truth of his magnificent leadership.

Respectfully yours,
Soon to be Galley Mate 1st Class

You missed a spot on one of the Cap'ns boots there...

No... after some rereading reflection... I think from now on you shall be "ships story teller" !

I like your play on words in such a magnificent and colorful elaborative way.... you have a true gift and should continue honing your skills.

One tidbit of advice though...

You should really try to emphasize and work on your positive descriptivism of the Captain.

This is beyond belief!! What a wonderful surprise. I will not let you down Cap'n. I will sing the glory and magnificence of your leadership from the tallest Mast. All hail the greatest Cap'n to ever swash a buckle. Thank you, thank you, thank you, kind sir.

My family doesn't much care anymore everyone is so frustrated with everything it's just about getting rid of things at thus point. Most expensive things are too big to walk away with, most of the antiques I took and things like valuable jeweler went to my mother and aunt. This whole process of having to sell this property has been a pain.
Annd. This is where I appreciate my siblings , thier kids (well most of them) and a particular brother in laws graciousness so much!
Even friends and shirttail (though meaning much more to us) relatives helped out.

What did it take...Two years???

One of my sisters as mentioned was responsible for most of Dad's estate. Then our oldest sisters , and now her mother in laws.
Three in a row...
Yes , I sent her an encouraging card a while back.
And we still have some stuff to settle with Dad's stuff. Nothing bad.

You find out folks temperaments and attitudes pretty quick during an estate resolution. As you well know now!!!

Hang in there JVA.
Won't be long ( compared to your life being experienced /age l.o.l.) and it will be a done deal looking back on it.

My family doesn't much care anymore everyone is so frustrated with everything it's just about getting rid of things at thus point. Most expensive things are too big to walk away with, most of the antiques I took and things like valuable jeweler went to my mother and aunt. This whole process of having to sell this property has been a pain.
I was somewhat grateful that I didn't have to deal with this ever.
From living on the other side of the country it isolated us from the crap.
Missed out on a lot of the collections, and the sales, but no price can be put on the stress of dealing with it all.

Sibling is still got a basement full of stuff that he's been sorting/tossing/selling, and this is now going on for 11 yrs.
Took 5 years to sort of the legal/probate/sale of the house, while listening to the endless bla. bla. bla.

I think the timeline of what your facing is quite short, but it can seem endless I'm sure when dealing with the crap.

This is beyond belief!! What a wonderful surprise. I will not let you down Cap'n. I will sing the glory and magnificence of your leadership from the tallest Mast. All hail the greatest Cap'n to ever swash a buckle. Thank you, thank you, thank you, kind sir.
Bah !... you are now also promoted again... to Rum Fetcher ! ! !

Nah be a good lad and show me how good of a job at fetching Rum you are ... whilst you spin yarns of glory.

AND i dont want to hear that same ole thing the last Rum Fetcher would always have... that poor excuse of a rum fetcher... and his "we are all out of Rum sir".... BAH !

Slimey Rumless one he was.

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This is beyond belief!! What a wonderful surprise. I will not let you down Cap'n. I will sing the glory and magnificence of your leadership from the tallest Mast. All hail the greatest Cap'n to ever swash a buckle. Thank you, thank you, thank you, kind sir.

I was somewhat grateful that I didn't have to deal with this ever.
From living on the other side of the country it isolated us from the crap.
Missed out on a lot of the collections, and the sales, but no price can be put on the stress of dealing with it all.

Sibling is still got a basement full of stuff that he's been sorting/tossing/selling, and this is now going on for 11 yrs.
Took 5 years to sort of the legal/probate/sale of the house, while listening to the endless bla. bla. bla.

I think the timeline of what your facing is quite short, but it can seem endless I'm sure when dealing with the crap.
My family has been mostly good about getting along. But there is about 50 or more of stuff in this huge house. My grandma kept so much stuff. There's a drapery shop, a workshop, the 3 stories and a cellar, 20 acres of land. Getting stuff organized has been such a pain. Though I have bit my tongue in regards to them acting like my step father has not helped with anything when all my step dad does is work and helped my grandma a ton and farmed the land for them when they couldn't. As his business went bankrupt he took multiple jobs on and all he does is work to make sure my mother and everyone is okay. He works as a farm hand and it's hell and is never home. So there are times my certain family will say things about him and inside my blood is boiling but I want to keep the peace and know this sale going through is what benefits my mother and step father to getting the home they are going to buy. So things like that frustrate a person like me whom has a tendency to stand up for those that matter to me.

Bah !... you are now also promoted again... to Rum Fetcher ! ! !

Nah be a good lad and show me how good of a job at fetching Rum whilst you spin yarns of glory.

AND i dont want to hear that same ole thing the last Rum Fetcher would always have... that poor excuse of a rum fetcher... and his "we are all out of Rum sir".... BAH !

Slimey Rumless one he was.
BTW Sir Captain
I gracefully regret my forgetfulness in sending you a bottle of rum for your 100K like recognition.
(even though 99,999 were from the BN Trav.):laughing7:

BTW Sir Captain
I gracefully regret my forgetfulness in sending you a bottle of rum for your 100K like recognition.
(even though 99,999 were from the BN Trav.):laughing7:
Sycophant, sycophant, thy name is pepper.

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