Well look at that... a new crew member who abides... whoda thunk...
Now... since you mention "do as your told".... um.... here are a few ... umm... shall we say ummmm
Do as your told's ...
Ok #1....
Never ... ever... drink any Rum without first asking if i want some.
Never ever drink any Rum without drinking responsibly... which means ... asking if i want some.
Only share the last of the Rum with the Captain.
The last of the Rum should only be reserved for the captain.... for the maintenance therein of course.
Rum room keys are to only be stared at... and lusted after... NO drooling ON... or around Rum room keys.
#6.... Once inside Rum Room... you are not to even look at the dark corner in the Rum room with all the cobwebbed bottles.... yes those ones that say "CAPTAIN ONLY"...
Oh wait...
You wont know that because you will not be looking.
Besides there is the curse of the Kracker.... ERRR Krackin.... UM.... Kracker Jacks.... no... um... well its curse by something that makes some sort of weird cracking noise...
And listen dont get freaked out... i called pest control and they say its a piece of wood swollen with rum rubbing against a bottle....
But i think the pest control guy was just wanting me to throw out that particular bottle of Rum so he could return later and dig in the trash or scour the beaches in hopes we tossed it overboard... but he wasnt fooling me.
Aright.... number 7 - 1,297 will have to wait.... just learn those... the first 3 anyway.