Good morning everyone, sorry I've not been on much I sometimes get frustrated with myself that I can't hold conversations like most people being social has always been hard for me doesn't come natural for me. Had a really rough night last night for whatever reason around 9pm I got violently sick suddenly. It started off with me feeling extremely cold, then my stomach was in knots, lower back startes to hurt, and tendons in my feet hurt really bad. Got up to shower lasted about a minute and had to run out to violently vomit. Got back in the shower and has a hard time keeping my head up and my back and stomach were not feeling good at all. After that dragged myself to bed lasted about 5 minutes and had to violently vomit again and put me in tears. Got back in bed instead of being cold I got too hot and ached everywhere and my stomach was so angry. I know throughput the night I had confusion as I remember not thinking straight. I'm worn out now and sore but definitely don't feel like I did in the night. That was misery.