Morning Bart
I just love the look of those beautiful old oak bookcases WD.My just acquired piece.
That's a beautiful figurine Jim. I find lots of the bases, bodies and heads, but I've never found a complete piece like that before. I'd consider posting it in the 'What is it' forum.3" high, age? Dug it up and I have no idea at the moment when/where.
I am with you on that one.I felt completely depleted of any and all energy, for a while. I think I even got a little depressed.
Bill, it sounds like it's a good time to sell your property in town and either move north to The Laurentian Mountains or to Vancouver Island.Noticed a house on the court facing us has a sold sign on it. It's a semi detached and they were asking what I thought was a crazy amount. $695k if memory serves me correctly I figured they were at least $100k over the market so they probably got nearly what they were asking for crazy. Ours is detached so I can just imagine.
Thank you, antiquarian. The first pics are at the guys house where we bought it. He had lots of antiques. He’s taking care of his 85 yr old dad and he said the bookcase was making it difficult for him to get around. He had lots of lamps. Let me see if I can remember the name. He told us that if we see pieces with this signature wooden chain link, to buy them. Shoot, I can’t think of it. It W.D something or other.I just love the look of those beautiful old oak bookcases WD.Isn't it interesting how furniture falls out of fashion as an antique, to only later become popular again. It also fits and looks great in that spot too.
Well was mostly a bust. This mining old mining town I was out gets hit hard so didn't expect much. Can't really tell there was ever a mining town where I was but it was spread all over a large area and even had a old gold coinage mint in it. But I was finding a lot of mid tone signals that were trash but if those are there it tells me there is a good chance stuff is missed and there is so much area to cover. Found a nice horse shoe that looks kind of odd to me, some weird shaped flat piece of iron, a old button, a rock that is super heavy that my metal detector picked up on the mid tone so I don't think it's iron and doesn't seem like lead so I'm stumped. I think I'll get back out didn't to this spot so much area to explore and my coil didn't charge right and died in a couple hours darned deus hf coil always gives me charge issues.(edit, the "rock" is just a chunk if iron metal detector was just reading it as mid tone I guess because it was close to the surface.)
Thank you, antiquarian. The first pics are at the guys house where we bought it. He had lots of antiques. He’s taking care of his 85 yr old dad and he said the bookcase was making it difficult for him to get around. He had lots of lamps. Let me see if I can remember the name. He told us that if we see pieces with this signature wooden chain link, to buy them. Shoot, I can’t think of it. It W.D something or other.
Any way, it was neat meeting this young man. He was very excited to talk about what I was going to do with it and wants pics. Then he told us he had a property where the house was built in 1845. He said, “someone actually gave me money to dig out the bottles from the privy.”
Dave, We had a similar cabinet made from mission oak we actually gave it away. It had a water stain on the top but otherwise in decent shape. The missus got tired of it go figure. It originally belonged to an elderly lady next door to us. She was mid 80's when we moved in and had a house full of antiques.I just love the look of those beautiful old oak bookcases WD.Isn't it interesting how furniture falls out of fashion as an antique, to only later become popular again. It also fits and looks great in that spot too.
What an excellent way to start the day. I hope she catches a good one!We've been ot casting the rod, and mudlarking/beachcombing at the end of the street View attachment 2009908
Bill, it sounds like it's a good time to sell your property in town and either move north to The Laurentian Mountains or to Vancouver Island.
'The Laurentians'
The Laurentian Mountains are a mountain range in southern Quebec, north of the St. Lawrence River and Ottawa River, rising to a highest point of 1,166 metres at Mont Raoul Blanchard, northeast of Quebec City in the Laurentides Wildlife Reserve. The area is the traditional territory of the Algonquin First Nation. French Canadians began settlement in the first half of the 19th century, establishing an agricultural presence throughout the valleys. During the 20th century, the area also became a popular tourist destination, based on a cottage and lake culture in the summer, and a downhill and cross-country ski culture in the winter. The Laurentides offer a weekend escape for Montrealers and tourists from New England to Ontario, and with the building of a major highway through the area in the 1970s, the area has experienced much growth. Its largest city is Saint-Jérôme, in its extreme southeast, with a 2011 census population of 68,456 inhabitants.
View attachment 2009907
It sure doesn't hurt to dream about living in a spot like this though eh Jim, I know you did it buddy.I guess you'll have to supplement Bill's stamp collection sale if you think that his house sale will buy him something on Vancouver Island.
Close friend's son/family just bought a little place in a small community mid island. $1.3 million.
From the layout of place I would of thought $300K would have secured the deal.
No deals on that island that's for sure.