bill from lachine
Platinum Member
Bart, Maybe ARC or Roger have some they've been obsessing over wheat cents's about time these guys got a life don't you think....

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I got a life,or at least I had oneBart, Maybe ARC or Roger has some they've been obsessing over wheat cents's about time these guys got a life don't you think....![]()
Hey what are the "clogged" wheat-stalk pennies going for ?![]()
4 Lincoln pennies that have recently sold for more than $1,000
IF you check places where you store change, it’s possible that you have a penny featuring 16th US president Abraham Lincoln worth thousands. The Lincoln cent has been around since the ear…
here you go you wheat penny guys !!
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$The more I rip the criers and haters on you tube who complain and bitch about my video....the more views I get.....up to 102,000 thousand views on my YouTube shark video !! Kind of enjoying giving the haters a thrashing in the public comments !!![]() working on monetization of my channel, and maybe splitting it up into several finding out that there aren't to many Renaissance men out there, and alot of folks are one trick ponies !! I have to many hobbies for one is sending me emails with information on how to expand and build my channel....lots of people want to see the underwater detecting more from sort of eclectic with my videos and to all over the board for one channel.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$![]()
It only takes "Time" hard commodity to just go out and working on monetization of my channel, and maybe splitting it up into several finding out that there aren't to many Renaissance men out there, and alot of folks are one trick ponies !! I have to many hobbies for one is sending me emails with information on how to expand and build my channel....lots of people want to see the underwater detecting more from sort of eclectic with my videos and to all over the board for one channel.
I had 13,500 minutes of viewing time last month....mainly from the one video......I see my other 1733 treasure video slowly picking up steam....might have to make another more polished one that really explains the significance of this treasure one has found this much treasure in the keys in 25 years !! With some publicity it could really be a big one in the local news business knows what I've done or the significance of the finds yet !!
Vacuum? No vacuum...
Well, I'm off... hope everyone has a peaceful Sunday.
It has that effect among others. Take some vitamins, especially B-6 & B-12.Energy level is down... hacking up in morning... are main things.
I think the energy thing has alot to do with all the sitting around i did during it.
Roger, I thought that would get a reaction. Wait until the missus strips your bank account with the kitchen reno.....I got a life,or at least I had one![]()
LOL good one! I'm stealing that.Maybe the new variant,Ad Nauseum!
They made a mistake in that article. The 1909S VDB (San Francisco mint) is the rare one. The 1909 VDB from Philadephia mint is much more common.![]()
4 Lincoln pennies that have recently sold for more than $1,000
IF you check places where you store change, it’s possible that you have a penny featuring 16th US president Abraham Lincoln worth thousands. The Lincoln cent has been around since the ear…
here you go you wheat penny guys !!
Brown nose'rGood morning,
That should cover everyone. 🙃😎🤣
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Hope we have enough for the door, says the Mrs....🥰🥰🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Open can and there's an inch of paint left.![]()