THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Great news in boating/shipping world. A Canadian company is applying bottom coatings on a few vessels now as the test projects.
20% in fuel savings, lower hull noise, and no anti-fouling coating. :hello2:
"Graphite Innovation and Technologies uses graphene — a carbon-based nanomaterial — as the basis for its strong, slippery and non-toxic hull paint. The coating helps prevent marine fouling — when aquatic organisms such as barnacles stick to the hull — thus improving the flow of water against the vessel, making it more efficient. "

Now I think that the Capt. should be getting on the bottom of the pirate ship, so we can go faster, more time then in hammock-drinking rum.:occasion14:
Imagine we could escape the fastest vessels after the latest pillage of the shoreline village.

What is it with the technology providers lately.
Internet provider has seen my reasoning finally-50% reduction on bill for the next year.:hello2:
Basically I told them that all I seem to be doing is paying them $25 a hour to chat with them over each month about snail speed or nonexistent service.
Then the landline stopped-different company-then the cell service has been up and down.
Elon Musk invented Starling-It's back ordered now till the end of 2022-2023.
OOPS-Missed that one Elon-invent something that's better-better have a product to supply the demand.
Oh what it be to have a connection that wouldn't time out 4x on a Christmas Carol....:notworthy:

Just side note on the product to make us go a little faster. I and my son had a Sea Doo back in the early 90’s and I had the bright idea that if I waxed the bottom it would go faster. Turns out that in the water we couldn’t sit on it any more at a stand still. I assume the wax stopped the water resistance for holding the craft upright. It would turn over with little effort. I came home and stripped the wax and we were good to go again. The product you have talked about probably won’t effect a wider vessel like a bass boat or a ship but our little machine really had trouble staying up. I guess if you had enough rum it wouldn’t matter.:laughing7::laughing7:

Thanks for the update on your trip John. We visited Alcatraz Prison as well, so much history on such a small island. I loved looking into one of the offices and seeing the old Coke cooler, reminded me of the one at our corner store when I was a kid.
Yes the history of that little island is very interesting it was so many different things during it's time.

Growing up in the east end of Toronto, I always had a desire to live outside of the 'big city'. The constant noise and the lack of privacy, drove me crazy for as long as I can remember. As you get older, it doesn't get any better either. :laughing7:
Lol I also just generally don't like people and cities have too much of those. Getting older I like people even less lol so yeah cities definitely aren't my thing. I like small groups of people I trust and just takes me a lot to like anyone. I think that's because when I was in elementary school and junior high I was picked on a lot so just made me not like people much. But beyond that cities around here just aren't pleasant these days.

Good morning everyone, wishing everyone a great day. Yesterday about froze myself as I was trying my darnedest to find something in a permission that I was so sure should have something. The house there is like from 1901 and has a small barn from that time. All I've come up with is some old buttons, bits of old junk, and 2 wheat pennies 1955 and 1952 both common dates. I'm so stubborn I carefully went over it all and even after losing feeling in my thumbs still kept going. Ended up going a few more hours and finally decided I'm too cold. Walked back in misery got back and realized I got so cold my jaw muscles were stiff so talking didn't sound quite right for a bit. Lol my stubbornness can be ridiculous and didn't even pay off. Oh well all sites can't be winners and I know this.

For ARC !!
lol... i am so glad you posted this... what a hoot.

The picture they are showing is NOT honeymoon island... heh

This guy lost his marbles.

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