bill from lachine
Platinum Member
tonight on the menu we're having some shell on shrimp baked in the oven with olive oil, garlic and slices of lemon. Side dish will be some Singapore noodles.
We're pulling tick off of Max everyday it seems. Lots of small one and Black legged.Yes this new model might be what I need.
I want to see how it compares to the Equinox.
I don’t think it will have the water issues.There is so many old historical places by me to try but my area being ground zero for ticks is a red flag telling me to continue water hunting
PepperWe're pulling tick off of Maxx everyday it seems. Lots of small one and Black legged.
We use to give him Bravecto but there was side effects. So he gets a treatment of a good thorough going over every time he comes in.Pepper
You might try the once a month flea and tick tablet from the vet. I give Sadie one on the last day of the month. When she’s out she’s all up in weeds, woods and I’ve never felt or seen a tick on her. This tablet kills them PDQ.