THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

We’ve got a cold front coming tonight. Low being 41. High tomorrow 63 and me. I don’t believe my blueberries are in danger if it warms up purdy quick. Glad I don’t have peas up yet. :laughing7:I know the deer are pissed.

While walking/working the fence line around the berry patch the dirt shows a Bambi trying different spots to get in.
Well if she can do 8 feet, I'll let her dine on the bushes and vines.
Yup a fence makes for a good neighbour-4 legged and the smart ass 2 legged ones also.
I just need to do the 2 stands of electric for the brave ones.

Pepper, isn’t that the definition for crazy? Doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. LOL

Um, yeah, sort of like detecting, milady. :angel12:

Then...try the anvil chorus, or maybe fiddlin'. :tongue3: I'd always had better luck with alternating current anyway. Never tried the battery. Also, I'd dampen the area a bit beforehand. But don't try it barefoot. :tongue3:
That would mean a generator for power, and I probably would do the spring before the electric. Seen the vibration banging on worm collection before, seems simple enough.
I have read up on the Black Walnut method-but I don't need to kill off my plantings as well as it's minnow killer in the waters.

I mentioned the ATV/battery method to the Mrs-I wore that one-don't be waisting our time fooling around with that. :dontknow::laughing7:

Then again............."Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."

I agree. One thing I learned in life is that when one tries to idiot proof *anything*. They find out just how smart an idiot can be!

Humans!!! SMH.

That would mean a generator for power, and I probably would do the spring before the electric. Seen the vibration banging on worm collection before, seems simple enough.
I have read up on the Black Walnut method-but I don't need to kill off my plantings as well as it's minnow killer in the waters.

I mentioned the ATV/battery method to the Mrs-I wore that one-don't be waisting our time fooling around with that. :dontknow::laughing7:

My grandpa showed me that if I took a lamp cord split the two wires and wrap one of them around the rod, taping it there. Then just completely tape up the end of the other wire. I could plug it into house current. If it didn't work, flip the plug in the outlet and try again. Would only work one way. We used to tape a bicycle handle grip to the top. For when we forgot to unplug before moving. Shocking experience! :eek:

Still need to find a spot where there are worms to be found. :tongue3:

My grandpa showed me that if I took a lamp cord split the two wires and wrap one of them around the rod, taping it there. Then just completely tape up the end of the other wire. I could plug it into house current. If it didn't work, flip the plug in the outlet and try again. Would only work one way. We used to tape a bicycle handle grip to the top. For when we forgot to unplug before moving. Shocking experience! :eek:

Still need to find a spot where there are worms to be found. :tongue3:

I had worms dripping off the rear wheels of the stuck tractor-so there's plenty worms.
I dug some 40 pre-planting holes just to get ready for some planting. 3./4 of a shovel depth 10" across type of hole 6-10 worms so the berry patch would be say 100 sq.inches of surface space per shovel.
One acre would produce 62,726 of these squares. Take an average of 5 worms per shovel and that would mean 313,632 worms in that patch.
Kind of creepy if they all came up at the same time to revolt on me zapping them.:laughing7:

Like I said, no need for storage. Plenty more when needed.

Still, if you use electric? I believe AC current works better. :dontknow:

Simple! You want worms? Just get your tractor stuck. :tongue3:


Why don't you spring for some red wigglers, start a worm farm that way you get 2 times the payoff. Worm castings for the garden and excess worms for the chickens.

Sitting in the dentist office this morning I over herd a treasure tale. In the next room was an old conch....Mr. Droney. He was partners with dr. Molinari, a famous treasure hunter here in the keys. Well I just walked right up to him and put out my hand. I immediately showed him my pillar dollar and this sent us both into treasure tale mode. Here is the story as told to me. Mr. Droney owns a nursery, and back in the late 70s his treasure hunting partners were down at mile marker 88 exploring deep in the woods for treasure. They found 2 skeletons with a bag of gold coins. They took the coins to art McKee that same day and he paid them 50,000$ for them. Just so happens that I've been close to the scene through .y own research. There are at least 4 treasure salvage camps from 1733 and my last dig was close by. This bit of news will have me in every bit of forest in the area....its on now...I got a good new lead in the same area. Sooner or later I'm gonna get on some focusing more and more in this area. Im shocked at just how much potential for treasure discovery is still here for the taking in the keys. Everyone thought there was no treasure left down here....its the opposite....there may be far more than anyone ever knew !!

ARC....I found it...I feild is not there anymore but I can see where it was !! Im all over it !!

Not yet RC....but treasure hunting plans are a forming....ARC has given me some info and a lead that mesh with other finds and stories. saying it here on the forum....if and I say if I find coins you are in for a cut. New technology makes it imperative for me to go back to places where others have made discoveries. That method has paid off for me time and time one has searched this area since awsome opportunity!! If coins are found in the past then who knows what a hurricane could have left exposed or within range of my machine !!

Good luck here's hoping you bring home the goods!

Well the spot will need a permission so you might have to strike that deal with the landowner.


Best of luck Bart.

Yeah now you got skin the game!

Thats ok Bill... i just relayed some info told to me over a decade ago.

And I came to the conclusion i may never get teh opportunity to hunt it... so... might as well let someone else go try.

I want nor expect nothing from it.


Yeah but the capt'n always gets a cut of the plunder....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

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