THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Morning to all that have come on.

Morning rook...morning rusty !!

Sorry about my response time... been buried deep in map library studying new map acquisitions in online libraries.

Arrrg ...

**ARC rubs his balls... the ones in his head***


Find me a map with the 1733 salvage camp sites....I saw one once from the cuban archives that showed them. Never saw it again.....sir Robert marx showed me !!

Find me a map with the 1733 salvage camp sites....I saw one once from the cuban archives that showed them. Never saw it again.....sir Robert marx showed me !!

I have it.

Somewhere. :)

Find me a map with the 1733 salvage camp sites....I saw one once from the cuban archives that showed them. Never saw it again.....sir Robert marx showed me !!

Bart... i some that would cause MANY to "drool". heh

And have had the privilege to see and study maps that only exist in private hands and are unknown to the world.

Bart... i some that would cause MANY to "drool". heh

And have had the privilege to see and study maps that only exist in private hands and are unknown to the world.

I also collect and own a small stack that are "unknown" / "unavailable" / "only one" / etc.

Rare is one thing...

ONE and ONLY is a whole other level for me... and what really floats my boat. heh

GMorn everbody, if you miss a few days it’s a lot of catching up to do. Snow flurries this morning and threw the weekend,
When it quits freezing every night the grass will grow.
In the Nebraska state news, the ogallala aquifer is on ave. 2 feet higher across the state. That is news you’ve never heard before. The mantra has been we’re running out of water, just thought I would give everyone some good news, for a change.
Have a great day!

Took a little playtime in at the end of the day.
It's an easy to go for a swing mere steps from the door.
Just a cheapie little pin, but still a cool one.
I have the pin as it fell off in my hand.

I have it.

Somewhere. :)

You find it...ill do the leg work....first artifact that comes up you get a call and we hunt it together !! Im specifically looking for salvage camp placement at long key.....I believe there might be 2 camps on this island !!

We have a raised bed 4'x4' of garlic and likewise it's about the same height as yours. To be on the safe side I put a couple of inches of dried leaves on top to protect it. One year we lost most of it because of the cold temps, however, I think we messed up and planted some store bought garlic from Spain which probably wasn't frost tolerant enough.

This one was bought locally. I also ordered 10 10 gallon grow bags for some gourmet seed potatoes we ordered.

Morning Bill
Just looking in the upper garden the other day and the garlic is well on it's way already. Counted around 50+ so without even covering or anything it looks like the mild winter saved me once again.
Some of them are 6-8" high and lush looking, so maybe it's a sign of a good growing season.

GMorn everbody, if you miss a few days it’s a lot of catching up to do. Snow flurries this morning and threw the weekend,
When it quits freezing every night the grass will grow.
In the Nebraska state news, the ogallala aquifer is on ave. 2 feet higher across the state. That is news you’ve never heard before. The mantra has been we’re running out of water, just thought I would give everyone some good news, for a change.
Have a great day!
Well having a couple of feet is a good thing if it was too low. Snow flurries not so nice......
I was chatting with a farmer at the abettors last week, and he said they were 15 ft below in the wells over most years, that was a concern to many.
Myself it's 3.5ft in the pond, but we have a 1.25in rainfall forecasted over the Wed.-Fri. period so that might bring up the table a tad.

We have a raised bed 4'x4' of garlic and likewise it's about the same height as yours. To be on the safe side I put a couple of inches of dried leaves on top to protect it. One year we lost most of it because of the cold temps, however, I think we messed up and planted some store bought garlic from Spain which probably wasn't frost tolerant enough.

This one was bought locally. I also ordered 10 10 gallon grow bags for some gourmet seed potatoes we ordered.
Now you have me thinking there Bill-I have a few of those 1 ton feed totes-----:laughing7:

Newer version

1972 version

Still one has to tip the hat at a song that is timeless.
Don is a happy camper earning $150 million in royalties/stock off the tune.
Then some reports he's only worth under $10 million-Playboy Bunny on the arm ok age split 75/25yrs old.........must be love......

My rhubarb in my outside planter is up, but the rhubarb that's in the ground is still hiding.
Oh...good morning. It's windy as all get out here again. It'd probably rock the boat pretty good.

Going to dig....there calling me to get down there !! What an opportunity !!

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