Im having a disagreement with a stubborn pelican....these birds can sh.t a quart of the most corrosive crap. It burns paint and stains wood. Hes gonna have to leave !!
Something like a the Comorants? That put out a very thin motar mix of fishy cat food smelly substance? Had them at the marina, sat on top of a tall mast of a sail boat. On a good day it could let fly and cover 3 or 4 boats on either side depending on the windage. Lucky it was down the dock from us and the gel coat never got hit.
I'd be right peeved if I had to deal with it every day.
The sail boat was from France-the guy did the Plant Earth filming from helicopters so he wasn't around a whole lot.
Took a crew 2 days with a power washer to spray the boat clean once-totally disgusting sight/smell.
I think a piece of lead would of been my choice......