You know Jim i feel pretty safe in my own community wearing certain areas in Miami you could be killed for, my silver chain and cobb coin is my lucky piece....that one stays with me most of the time !!
One never knows when they have-and the other wants it to feed the beast.
Back in /93-94 I was doing the silver jewelry sales and packing that, and other items around in the car-to and from the market made me a tad uneasy.
I carried the spray in the pocket for the just in case moment, and always was on guard and aware of the surroundings.
Yet all things happen without really realizing it, as packing the spray in the front pocket one day-and carrying up a large stack of aluminum printing plates up a set of stairs out of the underground tunnels at the building I was renting it happened.
I felt a cool feeling spreading over the privates-thought was I was pinching off some sort of nerve from caring up the heavy stack.
Then the cold reality of "No Jim it is the mace"! Spraying it's entirety in the pocket.
I ran to the unit, threw everything on the floor, ran to the bathroom just tearing at the belt, stripped down and proceeded to wash in the sink.
Not getting the relief I put the pants back on, jumped into the car and flew home to the condo to shower.
Now does one shower in hot, warm, cold, soap, or no soap.
It didn't really seem to matter, the boys were burning up, kind of like a fire ant episode type thing going one but one big bite to the groin.
I didn't feel like working after that and went to the restaurant to get something to eat and have some coffee to calm the nerves.
It must been a hour and half later it was still smouldering hot.
I really would not want to have it sprayed in the face.