THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

400g for abandoned missile silo?. In Ne. land owners get an extra dollar per acre for allowing public access hunting. Pheasant mostly. If you follow map you can make a big loop cross country and walk out lots and lots of great habitat. Just estimating but you can drive by a dozen silos that are “active”. You can see about that many hum-vee, in pairs, the ones with gun turrets on the roof, out driving around and a lot of the time one at McDs or the Cabelas store, there all from Offit in Cheyenne.
The funny thing to me....
They all have a modern outhouse outside the gates. Is this a public rest stop? I’ve never stop long enough to read all the fine printed signs but I bet parking you RV close is like camping in walmart parking lot.

I thinks most want the dream, but in reality of life it's a dream. FL living might have the ups to living else where, but so does humidity, mold, hurricane seasons, and a transit population. Thought about it seriously from purchasing (ok we really shook our head at that one) RV-like living in an aluminum can under a palm tree-heck most don't even put insurance on the aluminum can. They take the risk of it blows away, they just find another place to stay.
Ah but the wardrobe is a minimum no need for the yearly rotation of summer/winter wear-bonus. Then again it's nice not to have the clothing feeling like wearing a wet tea bag every time one even opens the door. Oh well living the dream at -20C windchill-bright and sunny, the old Pileated Woodpecker drumming out another hole in the trees.

Had the wild turkeys all over the front yard these past few days-nice to see them join us everyday. Max sometimes just believes that they don't belong in the yard-but they do. I think I will have to fix up the outer gate system to the big garden this year again. They turkeys kind of took a liking to roosting in the security of the fenced in area, right in the wood chips nightly. I guess it was better than having the sly little fox taking a young one every chance it got.
Now taking about that sly little red-haven't seen the tracks around the barn lately-waiting till spring to get my hens? Ah we'll just build the fencing taller and and better before you take my investment.

Off to the butcher to pick up 45 lbs of hamburger for the Max-oh he eats well. Ah maybe a big bag of bones to know on also-beats having chewing on my wrist bone.

Ain't my first rodeo at homes(or building codes). A thousand years ago I built this- from the ground up- and its still standing:) Full block basement 10 blocks high,3,200 sq. ft. total, 3 bed, 3 bath,and 3 heat sources wood, coal, & oil.Took me 10 months. 007.webp

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Glad to see the rollouts picking up steam so we can head towards some normalcy again.
Don't count on it. The plandemic worked and .gov is not going to let anything go back to normal until the globalists have total control.

Dr. Falsi is already out there scaring everybody about a "new strain".


Just curious what you do with the offcuts from the mahogany slabs.

As expected, R-chair, you garnered all the nuances I *knew* you would get.
Thanks for the in depth response!

lol... yeah that one... when the hurricane comes... you will at least still have stilts. ... maybe. heh

It'll be fine! That's how come my trailer can have a basement. I have it up on stilts too. :tongue3:

Good Morning, mateys!

Today throw open your blinds and windows,
Enjoy the beautiful light the sun shows,
Though you can’t always control who enters your life,
Have a good window to throw out those who give you strife.

Wise words, milady, and agreed. I have a small problem with people who shirk their full duties. The sun is shining brightly but its not very warm. Only doing half his job. :dontknow:

People "who know" Florida... IOW.. real Floridians... heh... don't buy wood constructed homes....
People who know Florida also know that those old frame cracker houses built on pier blocks and the large two story high ceiling wood clapboard have seasoned many a hurricane AND are still standing.
Many of those were constructed from first growth yellow pine and cypress.
Ever try to drive a nail in first grown Florida yellow pine?
Its the homes from the '50's onward that can be iffy when the size of frame lumber was reduced and standardized.

Florida is Scam capitol. PEople even sell houses here that don't even belong to them... no joke... happens daily.
Remember the old Florida swamp land stories sold to unsuspecting Northern buyers?
The current scam ARC mentioned in prevalent in the I-4 Orlando corridor AND also includes vacation rental homes advertised online.

Due to popular demand...

Again another Random Chat Thread is born... Otherwise just known as the "RCT".

Pull up a comfy chair on the online "Home away from home".

"Home" in Real Estate....

Welcome to the Real-estate Central Thread....where the topic will be nothing to do with treasure hunting but rather just another exchange for trading/renting/buying places in Florida.



Boy! Gonna catch it for that one!!! :eek:

Duck!!! INCOMING!!!! :angel12:

Oh yeah....and never ending posts of good morning John Boy. :BangHead:

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Is it safe to come up yet?

"Home" in Real Estate....

Welcome to the Real-estate Central Thread....where the topic will be nothing to do with treasure hunting but rather just another exchange for trading/renting/buying places in Florida.



Boy! Gonna catch it for that one!!! :eek:

Duck!!! INCOMING!!!! :angel12:

Oh yeah....and never ending posts of good morning John Boy. :BangHead:

Well, it is Random, doncha know.

You have the floor. What random topic would you like to throw out?

Good afternoon noon, BTW. [emoji1787]

Good morning / Afternoon everyone.

Yesterday, I saw my first 8 reale coin in an antique store. I never knew they were that freakin' massive! They're bigger than Morgan dollars! I should buy it next time I go back. It was dated 1792, and wasn't bad looking at all.

We lost power all day yesterday but luckily we were restored. Flooding down here was crazy yesterday. Peoples homes were flooded, cars were floating down the river...


This photo was taken in Hitchins Ky. We pass this school all the time.

Good afternoon, Rusty.
Wow that’s a lot of flooding.

"Home" in Real Estate....

Welcome to the Real-estate Central Thread....where the topic will be nothing to do with treasure hunting but rather just another exchange for trading/renting/buying places in Florida.



Boy! Gonna catch it for that one!!! :eek:

Duck!!! INCOMING!!!! :angel12:

Oh yeah....and never ending posts of good morning John Boy. :BangHead:

It beats the S**t out of doom/gloom or half empty/half full, oh woe me er's. It shows the present state of what the world is doing.


Ain't my first rodeo at homes(or building codes). A thousand years ago I built this- from the ground up- and its still standing:) Full block basement 10 blocks high,3,200 sq. ft. total, 3 bed, 3 bath,and 3 heat sources wood, coal, & oil.Took me 10 months.

Too much invested
37 month sell
Been there done it also.
From the 13 foot block raise.
To living in it over a winter and come early spring realizing there was a funkiness within the walls and attic, we did this.
Ended up 11 months later with a home.

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