THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7


That dishwasher repair discussion reminds me of when I was growing up. Just about everyone did their own repairs it was more a matter of necessity back then because of lack of money. I remember watching my father and older brother sharpen and reset the teeth on their bucksaw blades, change spark plugs, filters, change their own oil, etc.

Now people pay to get just about everyone to repair stuff for them or toss stuff out and replace it.

One alternative to tossing out broken items are repair cafes that are popping up in various locations.


For the gardeners on the thread. A video comparing results between dug beds and no dig beds.


Ethan do you have a dog? If you want to find more sheds get a dog and teach to bring you deer sheds. There are a lot of videos of how train. It my dogs part time job..

Do I have a dog? No, but my family does. :laughing7:

I gotcha least your getting out and doing it. Recently my old estate sale boss has been trying to get me back on tour. I used to help set up and put on estate sales. It was alot of fun, and he is a big shot in the estate sale world. I mainly set up, break down, and at the end dispose of trash. I also moved all the heavies and do the clean out at the end so the house could be sold. I did enjoy that life but when I had a kid my time evaporated for this type of stuff. The most treasure I ever found came about 2 years in to this side job. 3 times in 1 year I found big caches of silver. 2 were in ammo cans, and one was in a canvas bank bag. I was there ace in the hole...a real treasure finder !! We would treasure hunt at the beginning and at the end. I would scour attics, basements, and crawl spaces. Nothing in the world beats finding an ammo can of silver dollars !! We would buy the complete contents of a home, then organize and have an estate sale. Whatever was left went into storage or the trash. We had a massive warehouse of stuff for other sales. We also had a realestate license and would sometimes sell the house also. It was a very rich job but it is a never ending amount of hard work. My partner was badly injured in an attic one day by a roofing nail through the top of his skull....he was brain damaged badly by the injury, and I started to ware a bike helmet up there. One of my greatest finds was an 11 carat diamond ring found in the track of a sliding glass door. I miss that lifestyle alot , but I don't miss the Neverending hard, dirty, sweaty, work !! I also don't miss the piles of stuff I would bring home each time. They still call me from time to could be time to get back involved. Best treasure hunting i ever did was was rummaging through dead peoples personal belongings.....seems everyone always hid something somewhere !! I know they miss my treasure hunting skills.....the first time I used a black light to search for disturbances in the paint and plaster my boss sat there with his mouth open in disbelief.....the first time I found a safe hidden behind a wall he almost had a heart attack !! That one year I think I found 70 pounds of silver coins in 3 different homes !! I was never allowed to take pics, for fear of being sued.....most of the time no one ever knew there parents had stashed these things. Once we inked the contract and paid for all the contents we felt like this treasure was ours....after all the family could have taken the time to go through the house themselves.....all they want is all the junk out so the house can be sold and they can get there hands on a check. That was always fine with me....almost every house I found some treasure !!

I basically made it through life picking/selling scrounging and a few pop up in mind.
Estate sale early Sat. morning arrive only person there-raining hard-inside apartment/condo. Everything was for sale until I lifted up a book off the book case and a gold coin fell out on the floor-then it was a search search books off limits now. :laughing7:
Another was when I first started up the company I was buying a little off the public-but mainly doing military surplus auctions with industrial. This couple came driving up and I had bought a bit off them before as they did clean outs of estates. They said they were off on another adventure to the western parts and wanted to drop off some scrap. Couple of 5 gallons cans of misc metal and didn't want anything for it. I told them to drop it off beside the airplanes I had stored in the compound and they left.
Now I was counting pennies to come up with the first and last on the lease that I had signed and money was thin. So I walked over and grabbed the two cans and dumped them sorting out the little bits of non-ferrous. The second can popped out a large container and a small Birks gift box I opened it and it was full of foreign coinage-right back to Roman. I shook the larger container that had weight-I looked left-right-straight into the unit closed over head door-adrenaline just a pumping-I unscrewed the plastic container lid and it was full of silver coins! BINGO-Winner! I went down to my local melter and he gave me something in around $1150-1200 for the scrap silver.
Paid for the new security system hook up in the new locale of Scrapper Jim.

On that happy note off to see if any hen played a golden egg-20 eggs out of 21 hens yesterday was the count. Though none were even silver, but they are worth their weight in gold it seems looking at the food tab.:laughing7:

You can always tell Msbeepbeep is coming, by the exorbitant amount of likes that pop up in your notifications. :laughing7: Morning beeps!

Ya...she seems to be having an epic swim to the boat !! Better get here a hot buttered rum to warm her up after the big swim !!

By the way, I can't believe I forgot to mention this, but on Friday, I got my first trapped bobcat! 8-) It was a smaller one, but it's already at the taxidermist ready to get mounted.

The unfortunate thing with bobcats is, that once they are caught, it's not like you can let them go and wait for another one. If you get so much as within five feet of them, they turn into the most vicious thing you'll ever see. These things are ferocious predetors too, and can wipe out half of a turkey population by attacking the young poults.

So for this years trapping season, I got about 15 possums, 5 raccoons and a bobcat.

Gmorn all, how about I’d rather owe you than pay you? That’s how I feel about new appliances. I have a front load washer and dryer, biggest piece of junk. The washing machine doesn’t use any water, The old thing filled half up, and than you gotta put stuff in it so it doesn’t get sour in few days.
RTR I saw a right hand drive cobera in some video last night but didn’t catch the name, so, thanks for nothing, sry about did you pick a dredge yet. I haven’t seen any cleanup for too long. I would say that’s found treasure.
Msbeeps is liking stuff I forgot I typed, wait till she sees Bart’s coinage....
It takes a big pot for leftover onion soup but I have one. Home made croutons too but no recipe, dry torn up bread....

Just been hanging around Binge watching "Pacific",just finished the last episode >>


That dishwasher repair discussion reminds me of when I was growing up. Just about everyone did their own repairs it was more a matter of necessity back then because of lack of money. I remember watching my father and older brother sharpen and reset the teeth on their bucksaw blades, change spark plugs, filters, change their own oil, etc.

Now people pay to get just about everyone to repair stuff for them or toss stuff out and replace it.

I think it was easier to work on stuff back in the day. I used to be able to fix vacuum cleaners. No videos. No books. Just take them apart and figure out the puzzle.

Good morning pirates and piratessesss!
Aww, thanks for the life perserver, and the hot buttered rum. Sure hits the spot after a week of swimming! May help de-salinate me!

WD, my son just had to spray flex seal on the drain hose going to the pump on the clothes washer...for the second time. Need to replace it. Have to look up the part & order it. I use to do most of the repairing, you learn alot...then they change things. :dontknow:

Bart, those sure are pretty, pretty, shiny, shinies Blingie would say!

I may have to come back in a few minutes, the rest of the revolving crew here in my section of da'ship is awake and thar be mutiny!!! I have to quash this, have the rum ready! :BangHead:

Good morning'll have to make those mutinos pirates walk the plank !!

I’ve had trouble with were the washing machine drains into garbage disposal. If you don’t have a loop in that line it gets plugged a little and doesn’t drain out. I hardly use the disposal but somehow that was my problem.
The problem is usually lack of an airlock. That is why you see the airlock in the sink that vent. The dishwasher hooks into the airlock, and from there to the disposer or the drain "T"...

If you just have the line, look at see if there is an air bubble at a high point...the dishwasher has a difficult time pushing against that...


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Mad Max was set in 2021...

When can I start welding steel spikes to my bumpers?

I gotcha least your getting out and doing it. Recently my old estate sale boss has been trying to get me back on tour. I used to help set up and put on estate sales. It was alot of fun, and he is a big shot in the estate sale world. I mainly set up, break down, and at the end dispose of trash. I also moved all the heavies and do the clean out at the end so the house could be sold. I did enjoy that life but when I had a kid my time evaporated for this type of stuff. The most treasure I ever found came about 2 years in to this side job. 3 times in 1 year I found big caches of silver. 2 were in ammo cans, and one was in a canvas bank bag. I was there ace in the hole...a real treasure finder !! We would treasure hunt at the beginning and at the end. I would scour attics, basements, and crawl spaces. Nothing in the world beats finding an ammo can of silver dollars !! We would buy the complete contents of a home, then organize and have an estate sale. Whatever was left went into storage or the trash. We had a massive warehouse of stuff for other sales. We also had a realestate license and would sometimes sell the house also. It was a very rich job but it is a never ending amount of hard work. My partner was badly injured in an attic one day by a roofing nail through the top of his skull....he was brain damaged badly by the injury, and I started to ware a bike helmet up there. One of my greatest finds was an 11 carat diamond ring found in the track of a sliding glass door. I miss that lifestyle alot , but I don't miss the Neverending hard, dirty, sweaty, work !! I also don't miss the piles of stuff I would bring home each time. They still call me from time to could be time to get back involved. Best treasure hunting i ever did was was rummaging through dead peoples personal belongings.....seems everyone always hid something somewhere !! I know they miss my treasure hunting skills.....the first time I used a black light to search for disturbances in the paint and plaster my boss sat there with his mouth open in disbelief.....the first time I found a safe hidden behind a wall he almost had a heart attack !! That one year I think I found 70 pounds of silver coins in 3 different homes !! I was never allowed to take pics, for fear of being sued.....most of the time no one ever knew there parents had stashed these things. Once we inked the contract and paid for all the contents we felt like this treasure was ours....after all the family could have taken the time to go through the house themselves.....all they want is all the junk out so the house can be sold and they can get there hands on a check. That was always fine with me....almost every house I found some treasure !!

Mornin all!

Bart: An uncle used to buy estates and homes back in an era where when people moved , they took a change of cloths and a few possessions and left the rest...
One home had a near new set of fine china. Most plates were stacked dirty by a chair in the living room. Sold for good money...
I have a pistol that came off a beam..
So , Uncle sold homes contents. Fixed up the homes and sold them.
He eventually built a trailer park for elderly folks and managed it And did an outstanding job of it.

I won't tell here what has turned up in Dads estate.
Though we recovered his ammo can early on. Well hidden behind a sink cabinet between it and the wall.
He squirreled stuff. Maybe that's where I learned it.

Cap'n ARRC : Sometimes you just got to "power through it".
I'll be looking to pick lanterns when outdoor type sales start popping up again.
Plenty of delayed projects and repairs I keep putting off. Gets easier once you get putting stuff off.....

My big goal this year is to walk more again.
There's too little to attach a prosthetic to. But that's an excuse. The old saying "a way where there is no way" still applies.
Better interface and suspension in a new "socket" is the short term goal.
Getting some strength back too.
Logic says I'll never run again.
I'm willing to test that though. It's not like logic has been my guide anyways. Or my definition of limits.

Your limits are the same as mine and everyone else's. Mostly self imposed. When complacency is tolerated as a result , it's time to power through the false self imposed wall(s) instead.

Bart's poking around wreckers sites shows another angle vs bumping elbows with the hordes on beaches.
Were there staging areas beyond? Or plundered by locals staging/cache areas beyond?

Seems to me , if we plundered a stranded ship and it's crew we could expect a consort to follow up.
At which time we'd want to look innocent , and empty handed.

Another Uncle got into areas. Much better than I at it. All he needed was to know a lead he was on was real enough and the site accurate.
I left him be about most of his work , but should have pressed him about how to's..
Despite my recoveries being a tiny tiny tiny fraction of his , that does not mean there's nothing to recover. (!).

RC....your reading my mind !! Just starting to poke around the so called staging areas beyond. My initial hunts this last year and a half have been in the same general shore side area. Its now time to do the more laborious task of hunting the jungle for the supposed 17 home sites that later (1840s-1930) sprung up around this wreckers site !! Who knows whats cached here !! But one thing is for certain....there were no banks in these islands for years to come, so I've always had caches on my mind.....especially 1 in particular that is associated with this see no one has ever verified that this is that particular spot. But when your the only one here, and you've had it to yourself all this time, you figure out more than.....well...anyone else !!

You've got to get out and hunt to reap the rewards !!

That attitude is the biggest barrier RC. one must lift ones self up and force ones self to do it some times !! After you get through that mostly self imposed blockade,....its almost always a rewarding experience. Sometimes its the actual treasure, and other times its the journey and adventure.....but its almost always (barring disaster) a rewarding experience !!

Also being able to force yourself through the drudgery and work of preparing for these adventures, only leads to more confidence in getting up and out for whatever it is your hunting in life. Self motivation is the key to success !! must be commended in your efforts to become more in constant amazement at your ingenuity at making those opportunities easier for you to achieve !! The mindset of succeeding is the key to success !!

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