THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Good morning, Rusty. Has everything melted there? We will had a lot melt yesterday. It's gonna be a lot warmer today. Bye bye snow.

Man o' man, is it nice here! Should top out at around 60 degrees. A lot of the snow is gone now, save for some slush and spots where the sun didn't hit yet. Unfortunately I'll be on the road most of the day, and then rain will be coming in, so no metal detecting.

I finally figured out why I cannot for the life of me dig nickels or anything cool out. My detector is on relic mode, and not on coin hunting mode. It sounds way different according to my dad. No matter what though, silver should be a nice high tone/squeak? I have not yet found one silver coin (except for in my change, I've found two) yet, and I would love too. My house is in the silver era, and stuff from an earlier era has been lost here, so what gives? I mean I know Kentuckians aren't known for being flush with cash, but come on!

Here in Ohio, when I was in elementary, we had to learn a spelling song, sort of. I wonder if Noah learned it, too? Or any one? Em eye crooked letter crooked letter eye crooked letter crooked letter eye hump back hump back eye.
Morning folks! Doesn't ring a bell WD but there's a good chance I would have forgot it anyway.

Man o' man, is it nice here! Should top out at around 60 degrees. A lot of the snow is gone now, save for some slush and spots where the sun didn't hit yet. Unfortunately I'll be on the road most of the day, and then rain will be coming in, so no metal detecting.

I finally figured out why I cannot for the life of me dig nickels or anything cool out. My detector is on relic mode, and not on coin hunting mode. It sounds way different according to my dad. No matter what though, silver should be a nice high tone/squeak? I have not yet found one silver coin (except for in my change, I've found two) yet, and I would love too. My house is in the silver era, and stuff from an earlier era has been lost here, so what gives? I mean I know Kentuckians aren't known for being flush with cash, but come on!

You know, that's a good idea. I usually hunt in all metal mode. Mayhaps we should both give the coin mode a try this year?

Morning folks! Doesn't ring a bell WD but there's a good chance I would have forgot it anyway.

Well, I kinda figured they changed their teaching. Say, have you ever been to Engaged, OH?

It's somewhere between Dayton and Marion.

Ba Dump Bump!


Their shipping it off to be further tested .Initial test shows it came from Europe.This test will tell the exact location and time-frame.

With 300 yrs of mining coal in Nova Scotia -just saying.
They'll be pumping this flopper for another decade.
Must getting 5 decades since reading the book.

Here in Ohio, when I was in elementary, we had to learn a spelling song, sort of. I wonder if Noah learned it, too? Or any one? Em eye crooked letter crooked letter eye crooked letter crooked letter eye hump back hump back eye.



You know, that's a good idea. I usually hunt in all metal mode. Mayhaps we should both give the coin mode a try this year?

I'm of the thinking that if all metal mode isn't doing it, then a restricted mode as coin won't do it either.
There's more sites that never produce a single silver, but many coppers.
Then again it might be the depth of the coinage
The speed of the actual swinging one is doing and what the processor can actually read.
Type of soil, moisture content, and the all important one abilities of the machine and operator.

Here in Ohio, when I was in elementary, we had to learn a spelling song, sort of. I wonder if Noah learned it, too? Or any one? Em eye crooked letter crooked letter eye crooked letter crooked letter eye hump back hump back eye.

Gee WD thats a new one, never heard in my parts growing up. Asked the Mrs, " Must of been a regional thing "
Now to a tone dead old fart, what key would one sing that tune?

No WD, I've never been to engaged... you had me for a second there, I was looking on the map for a literal city called Engaged but I couldn't find it.

I'm of the thinking that if all metal mode isn't doing it, then a restricted mode as coin won't do it either.
There's more sites that never produce a single silver, but many coppers.
Then again it might be the depth of the coinage
The speed of the actual swinging one is doing and what the processor can actually read.
Type of soil, moisture content, and the all important one abilities of the machine and operator.

My main obstacle is your very last word.... the operator.

Gee WD thats a new one, never heard in my parts growing up. Asked the Mrs, " Must of been a regional thing "
Now to a tone dead old fart, what key would one sing that tune?

Oh, high O.

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No WD, I've never been to engaged... you had me for a second there, I was looking on the map for a literal city called Engaged but I couldn't find it.

LOL I was afraid you might be, so I posted the punch line. I read it the other day and it made me laugh. Not only a stupid Ohio joke, but a poke of fun at the Daytonian's accent.

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Uno douce 1-2-3 quatro... try spelling that with your thumbs... when we play hide and seek here you shout out.... 1 Nebraska city, 2 Nebraska city3 Nebraska city..... it’s really closer than using the word Mississippi as a time piece...

Arrrg... muddy paws.

Need a cat litter box / pan with some water in it... then just pick and dip :)

Ya , but that leaves the cat all confused when it tries to do it's business...

My main obstacle is your very last word.... the operator.

It takes time a patience.
Remember wax on-wax off from the TV show.

When I get me knickers in a knot trying to hard to find it it's usually a not.
Then I stop and think about what,why, I am doing and it usually involves something that is not related to my enjoyment.
Alt/Control/delete.....Ah much better, beep beep going slower than a little turtle.
That's when I start digging the better stuff.

I like seeing everything from a days hunt. What is the person digging up. Not small then they're not even in the game. I see often just big, big items, quarter sized and larger.
Why-the faster one is swinging the less on the smalls.
Oh its a bad habit, like looking at the screen instead of listening.
Repeated site visits help, to take all options off the table and sticking to the one site. Left/right/back and forth til its quiet then if there is nothing in the keeper division. Then I will do the "Been there done that"
It's still a learning for me after being playing with the machines for over 50 yrs.
It's like driving past a school yard/church/park if I see it, then over the past 50 years many others have had the same thought.
I wish I had a machine of today growing up, then it would been even more awesome. Gone are the days of a multi member family hunts where getting under 10 silver you got the "You suck at detecting "Ribbing.

You know, that's a good idea. I usually hunt in all metal mode. Mayhaps we should both give the coin mode a try this year?

For whatever reason , I run in jewelry node mostly for coins. Nickles ring up like lead for me..

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