I dunno if my subscribing to get rich quick magazine is working...
A while back I sent in for "how to make easy money on things people discard everyday".
It was exciting! I then followed the instructions for how to cut a broom handle off and install a spike in the end.
I couldn't find a spike , so I duct taped a meat fork to it.
It looked pretty cool but then her royal indoors caught me , and disagreed with what I had done to the broom. That ended up costing me a new broom and immediately cut into potential profits.
Her demeanor did inspire me to not wait till the few feet of snow in the ditches melted and to get out and practice immediately. Fortunately it was a stout broom handle and she didn't break it on me. I wrestled it from her grasp on my way out the door and was off...
I got behind three other vehicles driving very slowly with thier occupants looking in the ditches. I knew they were competition (dang it!) because I could see spikes on the broom handles poking out thier windows.
There was a brief altercation when the glint of a Mylar balloon poked through the snow and it was mistaken for a beer can.
We all calmed down afterwards and apologized for our incivility. And we all shared a bottle of Bactine to treat our puncture wounds.. I did receive a couple compliments on the meat fork. Twice the holes was a novel idea I guess...
I stuck with it that day till I'd burned twenty bucks in gas. Plus the cost of the new broom I picked up before returning home....I guess I'll wait till the snow melts before trying again.
So anyways , in the last quarterly issue of get rich quick in the classifieds ,right below the add for how to make easy money off things people discard every day , was a cob detector for a hundred bucks!!!
Now I was fired up. (If Bart can do it , I could too. Especially with a dedicated detector for cobs!) How much competition would I have around here for cobs when everyone else is driving around with spiked broom handles?
The cob detector finally arrived. An amazing device . All kinds of buttons and knobs and long range and short range settings on a compact box attached to what looks a lot like , a broom handle.. (Without a spike or fork.)
I turned it on , pressed long range , and it dragged me a quarter mile to a famers corn crib....
A while back I sent in for "how to make easy money on things people discard everyday".
It was exciting! I then followed the instructions for how to cut a broom handle off and install a spike in the end.
I couldn't find a spike , so I duct taped a meat fork to it.
It looked pretty cool but then her royal indoors caught me , and disagreed with what I had done to the broom. That ended up costing me a new broom and immediately cut into potential profits.
Her demeanor did inspire me to not wait till the few feet of snow in the ditches melted and to get out and practice immediately. Fortunately it was a stout broom handle and she didn't break it on me. I wrestled it from her grasp on my way out the door and was off...
I got behind three other vehicles driving very slowly with thier occupants looking in the ditches. I knew they were competition (dang it!) because I could see spikes on the broom handles poking out thier windows.
There was a brief altercation when the glint of a Mylar balloon poked through the snow and it was mistaken for a beer can.
We all calmed down afterwards and apologized for our incivility. And we all shared a bottle of Bactine to treat our puncture wounds.. I did receive a couple compliments on the meat fork. Twice the holes was a novel idea I guess...
I stuck with it that day till I'd burned twenty bucks in gas. Plus the cost of the new broom I picked up before returning home....I guess I'll wait till the snow melts before trying again.
So anyways , in the last quarterly issue of get rich quick in the classifieds ,right below the add for how to make easy money off things people discard every day , was a cob detector for a hundred bucks!!!
Now I was fired up. (If Bart can do it , I could too. Especially with a dedicated detector for cobs!) How much competition would I have around here for cobs when everyone else is driving around with spiked broom handles?
The cob detector finally arrived. An amazing device . All kinds of buttons and knobs and long range and short range settings on a compact box attached to what looks a lot like , a broom handle.. (Without a spike or fork.)
I turned it on , pressed long range , and it dragged me a quarter mile to a famers corn crib....