36 was 55, the good news is the wind blew 20-30 all day long so there will be no foreseen rolling blackout tonight.
Pep that looks like a nice snow plow truck, how do you get in, sunroof or back window.? haa
..that Morning Thunder tin is my Most Favorite Arrowhead Can. I have several different for some reason but a Very important thing to put in your arrowhead finds in and than into pocket. It is a heart breaking to me to pickup a nice arrow only to break it in your own pocket. My uncle Moe taught me that young but I’ve seen others do it a couple times, it is a bugger.
In the what’s this game, Bart that posts junk was first to I.D. some posted junk.
I don’t have to go to Cozumel anymore because of that post, duck shot and the local hombre pic and tour I’m good, I think corona beer is only good with tequila..
She said sea shells from the sea shore for she shed, somebody will, smoke spot ashtray..?
... I guess this is what it’s come down to...cracks myself up...