In this world of the internet the world reads up on a product/company. One might think that it's a waste of time to post up a review but here is "Olive branch reach out"
Jim I tried and left you a message a year ago when we read your review, but didn't hear back from you.
"We don't voice mail" (Bald face lier)
How can we resolve this negative review?
"Meet be closer to half way"
Then I get an email requesting I delete my review post entirely before he compensates me.
I deleted the review (copy/paste to folder)
Another call asking me to take down my deleted message.
"Deleted review as per the agreement of compensation from the company"
Another phone call "I can't sign off on this Jim-come on work with me.
OK (Gee what a person has to go through to get $500.00)
So the next time you are justified in a less than happy product/company write an honest/fact review-folks do notice.
In the original out of the blue call this morning the VP did state folks were liking the reviews of the company "Except moi" So it must of stung.
Except they ghosted a company where we first saw the product.
"Oh we're great friends with them and will compensate them for this order/but it's a lot easier for us to work through the main store." (double bald face

I said the $$$ will buy a shin dig of lobster/scallops for the ghosted party.