THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7


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Morning WD and Roger :wave:

...I heard my name mentioned... Didn't tell 'em I drank the rum again did ya? Whew!
Hello all you pirates and piratesss..sss.
Long week of swimming, finally caught up wit'd ship!
Anti, that company wasn't worthy of you. I hope one of the others is a better fit & work environment for you.
Thank you so much for the compliment MsBB, this is exactly how I feel as well. :thumbsup:

I wanted to leave them....but I must admit I almost just started on hovering on the cleaning part....guess I could always look at the pictures of them uncleaned !! Plus my wife wants me to clean up the 2 reale for my son to ware !! Im like anti dave....I like treasure to be Shiney!!
I do prefer to remove the surface corrosion and stabilize my finds Bart, I feel that any relic I find deserves to be properly preserved for posterity. I also sell approximately 75% of the relics I find, I think a ‘clean find’ creates more interest from a potential buyer. After 11 years of detecting, my cleaning techniques have become pretty refined and I now rarely over clean anything. As detectorists, we're the only folks that appreciate a find in 'as found condition'.
I believe cleaning up your cobbs and coins will only make them more valuable to potential buyers. :hello2:


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Bart... once cleaned you may find you may have something really special.

Cobs are very distinct... any and all characteristics of any given coin can amount to a level of "specialness" above another.

The only way to determine this is to SEE it.... clearly.

Its not a matter of "to clean or not to clean"... they MUST be cleaned... in order to derive the story.

The story can lend more than the coin itself... and in order to tell that story it must be deciphered.

So... in essence... uncleaned... you hold nothing. :)

Until you have cleaned them... you have a hunk of crapola IMO.


They know there stuff roger.

Morning ARC, ANTI, bart , RTR, WD, pepper and bill

Hello rook how are you and sadie this morning

Wonder what was typed in on the search bar?????

This reminded me of way back when we first got a computer and internet. My son had a report to do. He was just at the age where getting in trouble for something outweighed the pleasure of going ahead and doing something. In this case, it was looking at something. His report was on fish/fishing ( there’s a surprise LOL) and in the search bar he typed, “big mouth bass.” He came running into the kitchen yelling, “Mom! Mom! I didn’t mean to! I swear I was just looking up fish!” He drug me to the office and oh my! Parental supervision wake up call!

Bart... i must also ask you something... and i was holding back on asking...

But did you only use the EQ to locate these ? ? ?

I am thinking that the EQ is more geared for silver... not gold.

I think you should definitely fine tune the X2 and return.

...I heard my name mentioned... Didn't tell 'em I drank the rum again did ya? Whew!

Hello all you pirates and piratesss..sss.
Long week of swimming, finally caught up wit'd ship!

Congrats Bart on your phenomenal finds, awesome!
WHADIFIND, congrats on your silver also, and braving the cold frozen tundra to get it!

I see there were more gold nuggets found, nice RTR!

WD I sees ya found one of those elusive c19 vaccines for your dad, well done!

Its been a revolving door of family here this week, week, one had an ER visit, back home now. Just been one keelhaul'n after another, ya just keeps a sail'n.

Anti, that company wasn't worthy of you. I hope one of the others is a better fit & work environment for you.

Msbeep! Good to hear from you!

ER visit? Oh no! Hopefully that’s all good now.

My daughter gets the credit for finding the elusive C19 shot. I had to drive nearly 2 hours round trip 3 times, but it is done. 3 times was because he didn’t take his Medicare card the first time, so we had to run it back up there. He didn’t have any side effects, so all is well with it.

Hrrmmph. :/

My scale is probably off a tiny bit too.

Bart get a true weight-folded bill/new coin (in the day of testing the drug scales=gram was a $20 dollar bill-so I was told) :0

For electronic scales there is 4 load cells typically in most scales. Platform scales provide a accurate weigh regardless of position of weigh.

(If a yard was paying a nickel more for something it only took a inaccurate scale to make up that nickel that was given.
So I just stated for the customer to stand on every corner of the scale-then in the middle-every weight should be the same on the read out-and that readout should be visible to the customer.)

Until there is a lazy cell or a dead cell.

Put the bill/coin on each corner of the scale and in the middle. All 5 weights will be the same if the scale is correct.

I certified my weigh scales quarterly in the scrap business 2 platform, one counter, one for testing/PM scale that weighed 0.0000 (scientific standard almost).
I was the only dealer that had an independent scale company do this testing without any appointment.
They showed up and if somebody was being weighed up-they had to wait till the testing was done. The paper of results was posted by the scale.

What this proved there was no funny business going on with the scales or product. Just to put it into perspective in 13 yrs I started will a visa card and at the signing of the sale my sales were $5.5 mil. all done on honesty of that scale.

Oh I was loathed by the pirates that wanted to play the game of I screw you/you screw me game in the recycling industry.
I truly believed in the honesty of the weighing system-I prided myself in giving every customer the same shake-from the street person-to the owners of corporations.

Good morning everyone.

Y'all may have noticed I have been absent for a while. I was out of power for 12 days, with harly any heat, water or light for that time. We had two ice storms roll through, each dropping 1/4 - 1/2 inch of ice on their way out. Trees are down everywhere, and ice covered everything for a while. We couldn't even leave our house, because the road was just a sheet of ice. A friend who tried leaving his home on an ATV flipped it on the ice, and ran over his legs, but somehow didn't hurt himself badly. Power crews came out last night and restored power, and you could hear cheering for a couple miles by everyone who got restored.

Most of the time it was mind numbingly boring, but I went and brought out all of my dads colonial coins, inspected them, and then went coin roll hunting and found some nice ones.


A silver war nickel, a super rare West Point mint quarter with the even rarer V75 Privy mark, and an "In God We Rust" quarter.

Oh... and if interested ... the word of keyness here is "onza".

Ounce.... aka "28 grammes".

Don't forget it is really 28.34952

A true pirate you is Capt. the 0.345gram going to the booty I see. :laughing7:

Bart... i must also ask you something... and i was holding back on asking...

But did you only use the EQ to locate these ? ? ?

I am thinking that the EQ is more geared for silver... not gold.

I think you should definitely fine tune the X2 and return.

Yes eqx.....mark had the excal. I went through quickly and dug high tones and 27-33 on the numbers....all 3 coins came up quick that day. Then I went back and dug all the other signals I could get !! All 3 targets on my cherry pick sweep were cobbs !!
Sorry still cleaning cobbs.

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