Wanted to share this little story about a little boy that just turned 3yrs old on Wed.
We went up to the farm to celebrate the Birthday, and every year there is some type of contest/game, which seems to be a bit more challenging every year.
This year there was a picture/sound display of 20 owls-so one the sheet of paper you would put name/letter beside the # for the slide that was presented.
20 owls my score was 6 which won the adult division.
The 3yr old got 15 out of 20

Talk about recall of this little boy, even when he hears a bird outside he can tell us what type of bird.
The other child at the party(1st cousin) is now 6yrs old recited a little poem to the little boy (from memory), then read a short story book to him.
Her father said she just started reading one day all by herself basically.
These 2 children have had zero TV/Internet exposure, except a zoom call with the Grandparents during the lockdown/stay home requirements.
I ponder if this has anything to do with the learning capability of these 2 young minds?
So many children are sat down in front of the electronic sitter(TV-internet) or placed in the pre-pre day schools to be raised by someone else basically instead of the parent.
No fault of the parents as they've fallen into the trap of debt-and have a need to provide that better life for the child.
Though is it better to have both working to provide when 50+% of the other's salary goes to the caretakers of the child?
It's great though to see young minds at work-just big sponges gathering life up, instead of a electronic device feeding on the minds of the young.