THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

That dog is a female wolf. I think? I been wrong before.

If memory serves me, and it does not at the moment- the Roman myth was that mankind was birthed from a mother wolf? Something like that. I only heard the story once and it was told to me by a crazy raving bwitch while I was admiring a bronze of a wolf with twins beneath it at an art museum.

Easy Google- the twins were Romulus and Remus.

Wikipedia has a page-

That's the statue I saw. I knew it had something to do with Startrek and Songs of the South. :dontknow:

Gmorn, winter weather advisory 35 below wind chill and its spitting snow, my Dad, RIP, used to say that if he didn’t make it to heaven he was gonna cheap shot, cold cock, the wind god every chance he got, it makes me feel warm all over on morning like this, so how..
She dog is wearing a collar, I think it’s odd not described in all the literature I read. I don’t think a loonie bird. lol
I would chew those T bones clean and the dog would be happy too, stay warm everybody...

Gmorn, winter weather advisory 35 below wind chill and its spitting snow, my Dad, RIP, used to say that if he didn’t make it to heaven he was gonna cheap shot, cold cock, the wind god every chance he got, it makes me feel warm all over on morning like this, so how..
She dog is wearing a collar, I think it’s odd not described in all the literature I read. I don’t think a loonie bird. lol
I would chew those T bones clean and the dog would be happy too, stay warm everybody...

I feel for ya bro. It was 42 here last night! I will hafta quit wearing shorts!

I want to know K9 species on that coin PepJ? Do you know? I’m trying to read up on now. It’s probably obvious..

Has that she wolf look that was depicted back in the mid centuries.

That dog is a female wolf. I think? I been wrong before.

If memory serves me, and it does not at the moment- the Roman myth was that mankind was birthed from a mother wolf? Something like that. I only heard the story once and it was told to me by a crazy raving bwitch while I was admiring a bronze of a wolf with twins beneath it at an art museum.

The grey matter last night was foggy-Read your reply and it clicked-I knew it was there-Yup looked it up in the photos of our visit to Washington.
Washington DC-Savanna 04.07 151.webp

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She dog is wearing a collar, I think it’s odd not described in all the literature I read...


When a society is illiterate the powers that be use symbology to get their message across. Like how all the churches used to have stained glass windows depicting bible stories- that was because nobody could read writing.

What might it mean to collar a wolf? You know, the Lupa that founded Europe...

Haha, Remus was enslaved. That how come we have Uncle Remus Stories, fables told by Americans enslaved on plantations. The name Remus was appropriated from ancient stories. It is pretty likely that the Romans appropriated that names from stories more ancient than themselves.

If you were a scribe in Ancient Rome and you printed Remus in front of Romulus with your stylus they would not execute you. They would strip you naked, forcibly lead you into the wilderness, and let Mother Nature execute you...

Good morning folks.

I can't make it out but is that Lupa (bottom right hand corner) on the cover of the first version release of Cold Spring Harbour by Billy Joel?

R.I.P. Larry Flynt-Will always remember when you went toe-toe with the preacher-and won.:headbang:

Good Thursday morning everyone. :coffee2:

Morning one and all.
She cleans up nicely. Her before pic reminded me of a "grand prize" stuffed animal from the milk jug throw at the carnival.

She does have an interesting coat Pete; she’s been referred to as looking like a ‘baby polar bear’. :laughing7:

There is no such uncertainty as a sure thing... Robert Burns
I like this kind of lesson. I have heard many of his quotes but never put the words to the man.
I don’t think you need any “luck” but good work on your new job. I’ve heard this from several different coach’s in my life. “Good teams make there own luck”. Hard work and preparation pay off. When you like what your doing, living the dream, such, enjoying life is so much easier. It seems to me that you live with that spirit. I like it..
Thank you for your words of encouragement Fat. :thumbsup:
My grandfather told me, “we spend 70% of our lives working, you should find something that you like to do and stick with it. It’s not how much you make in life, it’s that you’re happy doing what you do”.

PepperJ, wearing jewelry is for women and sissies. (And cops, but the guberment makes them wear it)

The man I met was a poet along with being a cowboy. He wasn't wearing any jewlery other than a wristwatch.
Based on your logic DS…
John Wayne wore the same piece of jewelry every day, a silver bracelet on his right-wrist… by this reckoning, I guess he was a sissy. :icon_scratch:

Sooooooooo Cute!

Thanks WD, I had to give her half a Benadryl last night, I guess they need to use the hypoallergenic shampoo next time… very itchy girl. :laughing7:

Trash is everywhere it seems in the world.
This is my GW Button site, this is on a private permission.
That was such a beautiful, picturesque site on top of the hill Jim.
The shotgun shells were very colourful, but a disgusting sight to see spread across the hill the way they were. :sadsmiley:

I just got the keys to the city....100s of permissions !! All across the keys !! All my brother in laws construction sites. Im starting with the old tavenier post office....I missed the best time but ill still give it a check. Then on to an early home leveled home site from 1936 !! This is crazy !! I can go any time !! And the forman is a hunter as well...he will call me or spread the good dirt out for me when he's excavating!! Wooo hoooo !!
Congrats on your new permissions Bart. :occasion14:
I did have to chuckle though when you mentioned, the “early home levelled home site from 1936”.
Then again, depending on what type of activity this site saw before it was developed, have the potential to be interesting.


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R.I.P. Larry Flynt-Will always remember when you went toe-toe with the preacher-and won.:headbang:

You like pornography that depicts adultery and homosexual lesbianism...

Am I right?

Antiquarian, I like John Wayne movies, but after all he was an actor.

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You like pornography that depicts adultery and homosexual lesbianism...

Am I right?

Antiquarian, I like John Wayne movies, but after all he was an actor.

LF was all of that and more-shot by a white supremacist and serial killer (that was upset by the interracial photo shoot)
1983 Flynt ran the parody ad that targeted Jerry Falwell.
Got sued for $45mil.
1988 The Supreme Court's unanimous decision"Saying the publisher had acted within his First Amendment rights.


Now there's two things that sell in America "Religion and Porn"

Quoted in 2016 by Flynt: He was selling religion, and I was selling porn. We were both making money"

Porn=the HUGE white elephant in the room of America-to kid oneself with any other belief is well just....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

In my younger day of working on the train gangs there was piles of the mags.
What some claim that they are all lily white interior, and the eyes never crept past the cover of any smut mag. Well if that is the case, they must be as pure as the virgin Mary.

PepperJ, I'll admit right up front that -

Anonymous said:
Knowing the right thing to do and doing the right thing are two separate things.

Then you got that letter Paul wrote to the Christians of Rome-

Paul said:
For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing.

Nobody is perfect, except for that one guy. :key:

Morning everyone!

Bart & Pete, I found these two documents listing treasure coast beach dive locations (I'm not diving but I s'pose stuff from these spots gets tossed around right?) and beaches where stuff has been found. I just thought they were neat, I think a substantial number are in St. Lucie County. I also talked to my family and they said they would have no problem with spending A LOT of time at the beach --> that means a lot of detecting for me!

PepperJ, I'll admit right up front that -

Then you got that letter Paul wrote to the Christians of Rome-

Nobody is perfect, except for that one guy. :key:
So will I...
Who is paul?

You totally lost me sorry

Good morning pirates!

Had little sleep last night. Nightmarish type. Argh!

Thanks for the song, Pepperj. Aye! ‘Twas but a wee lass whence me first heard Dr Hook. Mayhaps even thinks it was Cap’n Hook singing at times.

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