THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Thanks Bart, it looks like there's a lot of reading to do on both of those websites. Even more information after doing a little bit of clicking!

I know the odds aren't in my favor for finding something from one of these wrecks but seeing pictures of these crusty old cobs is making my stomach jittery with excitement. :laughing7:

Pete and sphillips are there on site....definitely take up Pete's offer to help you out....get to know these guys. They are on scene and actively hunting....your odds will go way up if you hook up with them on your trip !! Pete mentioned a great point....the Douglas beach and pepper park ( emeralds ) are not renourished !! Nor has corrigans....which has given up treasure in its sands for many many years !! Woooo getting myself fired up !!

Yesterday was good got 1 14k wedding band, 1 silver earring, a few digital cigarettes, coins and alot of trash.

Congrats, Bart! And thanks for cleaning up the trash. I went to a beach in KY last year. There was so much trash you could hardly see the sand. I found a penny and called it a day. :BangHead:

Pete and sphillips are there on site....definitely take up Pete's offer to help you out....get to know these guys. They are on scene and actively hunting....your odds will go way up if you hook up with them on your trip !! Pete mentioned a great point....the Douglas beach and pepper park ( emeralds ) are not renourished !! Nor has corrigans....which has given up treasure in its sands for many many years !! Woooo getting myself fired up !!
Ope, I guess I missed Pete's post earlier.

lots of areas here for sure. Unfortunately The county officials in all their wisdom(?) are continuing with beach re-nourishment south of McClarty to Ambersand beach, so nothing there but an extra 2-3 feet of sand. Turtle Trail is still in the thick of things until next late summer, when that gets sanded. Most of the beaches have filled back in from the lower beaches last fall. Lost or damaged quite a few dune crossings. Sphillips says the beaches in Ft. Pierce don't get re-nourished.

(See the other info up above.) Noah, and anyone else, I'll be glad to help however I can when you are in town. Maybe SPhillps and I can show you around when you are in the area. If you like camping or RVing there is Sebastian inlet state park or Longpoint Park. not sure about availability, but might happen with possible lower demand due to covid.

Great link to a great ad free site. He does a fantastic job with up to date info and finds.
Morning Pete! I'm travelling with my family so I'd have to check with them before making plans but I would definitely appreciate any tips or even meeting up with you guys while I'm in the area!

How long are these renourished beaches usually bad to hunt? Are they better once more sand gets washed ashore or when sand erodes?

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PepperJ, wearing jewelry is for women and sissies. (And cops, but the guberment makes them wear it)

The man I met was a poet along with being a cowboy. He wasn't wearing any jewlery other than a wristwatch.

Not sure how jewelry came into it. :icon_scratch:

Nor was the the guy except for that belt buckle-I assume it was a statement of achievement to his scars from his careers.
Wrist watches are form of a fashion segment now instead of a time piece.
Gee haven't even put one for years-not that they're not working-but just not needed around the place-probably I should think about selling off a few.

Congrats, Bart! And thanks for cleaning up the trash. I went to a beach in KY last year. There was so much trash you could hardly see the sand. I found a penny and called it a day. :BangHead:
WD....I have ordered my pirate crew to retrieve my treasure from the brewery under threat of walking the plank !! Arrrgh they better retrieve the treasure today or be keel hauled !!:treasurechest:???:skullflag:

WD....I have ordered my pirate crew to retrieve my treasure from the brewery under threat of walking the plank !! Arrrgh they better retrieve the treasure today or be keel hauled !!:treasurechest:???:skullflag:

LOL! You are not going to keel haul that little buccaneer. He's too cute! Much cuter than the treasure.

I had a typo in my original post. It's this coin:

Congrats, Bart! And thanks for cleaning up the trash. I went to a beach in KY last year. There was so much trash you could hardly see the sand. I found a penny and called it a day. :BangHead:

Trash is everywhere it seems in the world.
This is my GW Button site, this is on a private permission.

Tooo cool!! Big and heavy !!

I just got the keys to the city....100s of permissions !! All across the keys !! All my brother in laws construction sites. Im starting with the old tavenier post office....I missed the best time but ill still give it a check. Then on to an early home leveled home site from 1936 !! This is crazy !! I can go any time !! And the forman is a hunter as well...he will call me or spread the good dirt out for me when he's excavating!! Wooo hoooo !!

Mornin all.

C'mon coffee , whatta ya waitin for? Kick in already...


I think everyone should wear jewelry... more for us to find!

I'd like to propose a rule too. I think all those elementary school kids should be made to keep their diamond engagement rings in the same pocket as their pennies!!!

Trash is everywhere it seems in the world.
This is my GW Button site, this is on a private permission.

Good gravy! I wouldn’t want my property looking that bad . I have a lot as it is.

Good gravy! I wouldn’t want my property looking that bad . I have a lot as it is.

I think I see some 12 gauge Winchester double A and maybe a couple Federal Gold Medal. The once fired AAs are worth a nickle apiece, once fired Federal 12ga G.M. about $15-$20 per one hundred. You gotta sort them though. The rest are trash unless they are 28 gauge. Winchester 28ga. AA H-S rarely touch the ground. I wouldn't bend over for anything less than an AA or a G.M..

PepperJ just use your leaf rake. :thumbsup:

I think I see some 12 gauge Winchester double A and maybe a couple Federal Gold Medal. The once fired AAs are worth a nickle apiece, once fired Federal 12ga G.M. about $15-$20 per one hundred. You gotta sort them though. The rest are trash unless they are 28 gauge. Winchester 28ga. AA H-S rarely touch the ground. I wouldn't bend over for anything less than an AA or a G.M..

PepperJ just use your leaf rake. :thumbsup:

This was from a couple of seasons ago, the thing is the cattle grazing step on them and then they're in the sod. It's like decking on a putting green most times except for the floppers. The area of the shells is time consuming and a slow go as there's rifle brass mixed in.
If there was a site to sift I would be all over this one, little over an acre would probably do it. Thinking about approaching the permission to excavate as the amount of iron is crazy as I think there was a blacksmith shop. The George Washington button find a few years back keeps my interest.

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