THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Morning Rook
Sadie is a tad demanding in the am.:laughing7:

Puxatawney Phil says six more weeks of winter.


Morning Tnet Crew.

Morning :coffee2:
Just returned from 3 days up in the COLD Virginia gold vein . Freaking ground was like cement,but managed to replenish my pay-dirt supply.:) Came home with about 3 gal. of minus 1/4" mesh ,for the Miller table . 002.webp009.webp011.webp004.webp015.webp This stuff is loaded w/garnets

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Well the renourishment trucks have made it to the was a frantic dig by my friends up north on the 1715 fleet Beach. In an effort not to be noticed they worked the wee hours of the night/morning. Its all over now with the truck pouring thousands of tons of inland sand over the treasure spot. It was a great dig for one of my friends....he has managed to find the most incredible piece of 1715 gold ever to be found....if it ever makes the spotlight it will be headline news. He managed to find this piece at a time when the hunting of 1715 treasure is at its worst with sanded in beaches. They tried there hardest to get more before the trucks rolled in but thats all over now !! This has reaffirmed that anything can happen to anyone at any moment....don't let anyone tell you that your wasting your time looking for treasure.....the best hunters don't listen to any one except there own inner voice...anything is possible !!

Puxatawney Phil says six more weeks of winter.

Nova Scotia Shubenacadie Sam-no shadow
Fred La Marmotte in Val-d'Espoir, Que is a no show report :dontknow: ( need to get an update from the boots on the ground Bill )
It sucks to have it happen- Ontario Wiarton Willie predicts 6 more weeks also.

Folklorists say the Groundhog Day ritual may have something to do with Feb. 2 landing midway between winter solstice and spring equinox, but no one knows for sure.
In medieval Europe, farmers believed that if hedgehogs emerged from their burrows to catch insects, that was a sure sign of an early spring.
However, when Europeans settled in eastern North America, the groundhog was substituted for the hedgehog.


Gmorn everybody, Nice pics RTR, that cobble looks really water warn soft, not sharp or sharp edgie stuff.
AA is that really your home? Pool with pillars and the boat pics,bathroom with small sink? Hahaa.. I’m slow but that’s just dreamy stuff? Bart I’ve been watching 1715 fleet videos and so on. I like it.
60 something today and tomorrow, snow Thur? Have great day

Read my friend... scroll back. heh

I give up. I just scrolled back thru 10 pages of "good mornings" and still don't know what that thing is. Can you give me the cliff notes version?

Good morning :coffee2: to all onboard

I give up. I just scrolled back thru 10 pages of "good mornings" and still don't know what that thing is. Can you give me the cliff notes version?

Its only one page ago Boat... last page... start with my first post replying to WIF's post about a tour of the RCT ship... which your are currently on. heh

Its only one page ago Boat... last page... start with my first post replying to WIF's post about a tour of the RCT ship... which your are currently on. heh

No, I am sitting at my desk procrastinating about starting my morning workout.

You do realize that too much booze can cause hallucinations, right?

Seriously, what is that thing?

Its a picture of the new RCT kitchen (its a joke man),,, WHICH you would have to READ the post to get. :)

Its a picture of the new RCT kitchen (its a joke man),,, WHICH you would have to READ the post to get. :)

I get the joke, but where was that picture taken? What ship is that?

EDIT: Never mind, I did an image search. It's from the Disney movie (which I never saw).

I thought it was some kind of exhibit. I attended a cocktail party on El Galleon Andalucia one night years ago when it was docked at Port Canaveral.

e-mail 0083.webp

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I get the joke, but where was that picture taken? What ship is that?

EDIT: Never mind, I did an image search. It's from the Disney movie (which I never saw).

I thought it was some kind of exhibit. I attended a cocktail party on El Galleon Andalucia one night years ago when it was docked at Port Canaveral.

lol... sheesh I have no idea... just a random pic I liked :)

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