Morning World 

Nova Scotia Shubenacadie Sam-no shadowPuxatawney Phil says six more weeks of winter.
What the hell is that??
What the hell is that??
Read my friend... scroll back. heh
I give up. I just scrolled back thru 10 pages of "good mornings" and still don't know what that thing is. Can you give me the cliff notes version?
Its only one page ago Boat... last page... start with my first post replying to WIF's post about a tour of the RCT ship... which your are currently on. heh
Its a picture of the new RCT kitchen (its a joke man),,, WHICH you would have to READ the post to get.![]()
I get the joke, but where was that picture taken? What ship is that?
EDIT: Never mind, I did an image search. It's from the Disney movie (which I never saw).
I thought it was some kind of exhibit. I attended a cocktail party on El Galleon Andalucia one night years ago when it was docked at Port Canaveral.