Hello, RTR when I look at the top of topics page there is a car like yours. Did you spend $20 and lightening struck and now you drive that bolt?
14 mil for that barge? I would rather have couple 3 humble residences, a different Blue car for the days of week, 2 boats for the weekend and a turbo prop jahavalin air craft to really sight see and still have 30-40 thousand Benny F’s for gas and waitresses
We at one time we're exploring an actual barge, build a nice home on top. Just park it off the shoreline of the mansions that were paying heavy on the waterfront privileges.
Then sense and sensibility took over and we settled for just another B.O.A.T (Bring Out Another Thousand) vessel.
$14 million would settle a person very nicely i there expectations were not too high on the playing field.
Airboat would be cool.
I thought of one of these if I had endless $$$
Then there's these chair options