THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Time to feed the hungry with a quick meal.
Organic Open face sandwich.
Spelt Hemp sourdough bread
1 large egg
2 lrg tbs of Kobocha squash
Shaved cheese
Curry, Turmeric, salt, pepper, mayo

View attachment 1895886


I'm going to Hardees to pick up a couple of prime rib & egg biscuits for me and MsBeeps.

Morning Everyone! Happy Friday to all! Hard to believe that we are just about through January already..

I’m going to enjoy this weekend. Starting tonight. Some friends are taking us out for one of those fire pizzas and local wine. Note to self: last time you went there, mr WD left you passed out on the floor in the foyer with a pillow and blanket. Take it easy on the pizza.

I’m going to enjoy this weekend. Starting tonight. Some friends are taking us out for one of those fire pizzas and local wine. Note to self: last time you went there, mr WD left you passed out on the floor in the foyer with a pillow and blanket. Take it easy on the pizza.

Must be that new pizza recipe called "Rum Pizza"! You'd think the oven would catch fire!

Must be that new pizza recipe called "Rum Pizza"! You'd think the oven would catch fire!

Ooh rum and wine. My head’s spinning just thinking about it.

Mornin all!

Cold and snow.
Falling faster than I can keep it cleared.
Need to make a run North to a distant vets office to get drugs for the old man dog.
He coughs plenty still , but a slight gain. Nights seem worst.
We're going to increase frequency of lasix , and start him on a run of antibiotics.
I don't like giving him (or any dog) drugs. But he needs relief if possible.

Found a can of Spam yesterday when I stopped for bread and milk. Been many months since seeing any on a store shelf.
Who-hoo! Stash that puppy. The world goes off the rails , I'll still get sodium and fat...( Probably kill a dog if I fed it to it..)
There are stores where we're headed to the vets. Maybe we'll hit one. I'll act all casual on my discreet stalk towards the canned meat isle.....:blackbeard:

AWOL most of yesterday. Took my pup to the Vet yesterday morning for her semi annual. After the shots, blood work and two flea and tick monthly tabs I was removed of $310.68. :laughing7: I could adopt an illegal cheaper than that.:laughing9: But she’s good for 6 months and we are really fond of her.
Side note: last trip was only $196 and change.

Another quick good morning to one and all, currently online and soon to be.

Of to make some rounds to the jobs and Missus.

And good morning RC

AWOL most of yesterday. Took my pup to the Vet yesterday morning for her semi annual. After the shots, blood work and two flea and tick monthly tabs I was removed of $310.68. :laughing7: I could adopt an illegal cheaper than that.:laughing9: But she’s good for 6 months and we are really fond of her.
Side note: last trip was only $196 and change.

Ok My Max's bill was $220 so now I'm feeling kind of :headbang:. Been 1.5 yrs since his last visit and the Doc. was impressed with his overall health. Though we got a 7 day ear wash to knock the yeast down that seems to an issue in the right ear. Great news that he seems to have out grown his heart murmur which he was born with, just a small one but it was a concern. Pearly whites-all good there, crowns a tad worn from his playing and chewing.
The Mrs gave him a pedi yesterday so we saved a few$$$ for the nail trim. Muscle ratio was great-35kg/77lb.

Must be that new pizza recipe called "Rum Pizza"! You'd think the oven would catch fire!

Did someway saaaaayyyy Rum ? ? ?

Oh... "Rum Pizza".... errrrr ahhhhh ummmmmmm

Can I get mine with no pizza ? ? ?


Good morning mateys .
Has the Cap’n commandeered us a new ship? 4,000 square feet of air conditioned space? That’s bigger than my house! I noticed they didn’t have a rum room. They don’t show one, anyway. I guess we could fill the hot tub with rum. One mile per gallon of diesel. Hmmm better break out the oars.

Hot rum toddies, milady?

NOBODY !... Repeat NOBODY... better pee in the hot tub ! ! !

OR... walk the plank with all the splinters !



Walk....heck! More like pantsed, sat down and slid off the plank!!!

Its a softie that's turned hard:tongue3::headbang::occasion14::dontknow::icon_scratch:

What's the difference between a computer and a woman?
A computer will accept a floppy disk. :tongue3:

Still have teeth marks in my leg from 30 years ago when a Sheppard attacked me....
Sorry to hear that that you had a bad experience.
I do notice that men are very cautious about him, where as women are just the opposite, all ah, oh can I say hi.

A close buddy got a Husky pup, I was shocked that he got one. He said this so cool, it's the best chick magnet that I have ever seen.
Just wait and watch- well that dog was right.

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