Good morning, I mean the wind is howling, I read 105 gust in Cheyenne and mid 80s some where close by but don’t re all exact. If you look on a map, I’m straight N of the NE corner of Colo. right on the second river basically. I keep thinking everything that’s going to blow away already has but I will see later.
Rusty, Ethie, I have a good friend named Ethan, I like your www. This is what I don’t understand about them. Hosting I think is term. What does it take for you to be host? Trenches. .Org kind of situation. I have heard of go away daddy www make but why do you need them? Or I don’t understand how it all works.
72 days retire, you’ve earned it, you can’t just stop cold turkey, can you? I know several friends that had trouble getting use to retirement after a lifetime of doing what they loved really didn’t want to stop, there identity was gone? I also know some safari goers that got caught up in scam. They found this travel agent that was figuring out fake tax write offs. Say you go and take 7 animals. He would value each on an individual trip, all the mount were somehow sent to him and you payed a royalty to get your mounts. Scam tax scam big mess
Big gold, Big fish, even that heavy stuff would blow away today, maybe, wanna bet I pickup an arrow today? It does make all that breeze my friend when I do.
Goood day all