No idea. I kept getting a message saying " Server Busy, try back later". WTH ? This early in the morning and it is toooooooooooooooooooooo busy ?
I finally got them re-loaded.
Server is backed up every day early in the morning.
No idea. I kept getting a message saying " Server Busy, try back later". WTH ? This early in the morning and it is toooooooooooooooooooooo busy ?
I finally got them re-loaded.
Got one, now comes tracking. The nerve wracking part.
Up in WI you can now use dogs to track a downed deer, but dogs are allowed only after a deer is stuck. Never had to call the houndsman myself. I carry a red handkerchief with me and hang it on a branch at the last drop if I loose the blood trail, then start making concentric circles around that last drop until I can pick up the trail again.
I used to deer hunt northern WI, Chaquamagon Forest. Once when I was about twenty I found a bottle neck about two miles off the road. I set my tree stand right at the pinch which was only about 25 yards from the main trail into the woods. I figured dragging a deer two miles wouldn't be so hard going straight back to the road using the trail. Boy was I wrong.
So, I shoot this two year old doe when a pair wanders through the bottle neck. It ran back across the trail but I lost sight of it after that. I gave it a good fifteen minutes then went to track. I got down to where the deer had been shot and to my dismay there was no blood, just a big pile of hair. So I dropped my handkerchief and waited another 15 minutes before I stated walking in circles. Finally after about another 15 minutes I find a spot of tallow and a bit of blood. Dropped another handkerchief and continued weaving along looking for more blood. After about ten yards I found my deer. It popoed up about when I almost stepped on her. One of its front legs was obviously broken, but it was still running pretty fast away from the trail and into a logged clear cut with no trees but lots of scrub left from the logging.
Usually I'm pretty slow minded and I never know quite when to leap into action, but not this time! I ran as fast as I could climbing over brambles, stumps, and brush trying to flank this deer and get another slug in it. Took about 200 yards sprinting but I finally got ahead and dropped it from about 30 yards broadside. When I first shot that deer it was kind of angling towards me and the slug had hit the rib cage, glanced off an exited the armpit. Close call with that one, could have lost it.
Oh, and so much for my easy drag back to the truck. Had to trek over 300 yards across bramble and scrub to get to the trail. Took me longer to go 300 yards than it did to finish the two miles down the trail. No way am I in shape to make that kind of expedition today. I'm greatful for all the risks I could take on when I was younger, I wouldn't trade those memories for the world. But that's water under the bridge now. Gotta enjoy your youth. Someday, God willing, I'll be a feeble drooling old man. And if that happens, hopfully I will still have those fond memories to retreat in.
Are you sure those dogs weren't part setter and pointer upsetter and disappointer!... I one bought a pair of "July Flies"(converted coyote hunting dog)....
Are you sure those dogs weren't part setter and pointer upsetter and disappointer!![]()
Glad you managed to find him. Suggest you keep the antlers and use sections as handles for your knapped knife blades it'll add a nice authentic touch.
Yes I also enjoyed every bit the years I spent in the woods. I now hunt some of the same timber and ole home places with my treasure machines. I use to keep dogs and run um at the club I was in. I liked the beagles in later years because they were easier to catch. I one bought a pair of "July Flies"(converted coyote hunting dog).$175 a piece. The first day of dog season I turned loose in Weyerhaeuser on an ole gravel road. In 30 seconds the race was on and 10 minutes later I was down $350 bucks. They crossed old highway 6 headed toward Alabama. You couldn't have stopped um with a heat seeking missile. Needless to say, I never found my dogs, hell, I didn't even have time to name um. I now refer to um as Mutt and Jeff. Just one one the funny huntin stories.Yeah, those were the days.
=======Server is backed up every day early in the morning.