THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Thanks DS. It is appreciated!

But....the blessings ?
This is living?
And...depression *is* a sickness...I *am* sick, literally.
I have no neighbors.

Its ok tho. If HE calls me home? I'm ready....afraid....but...ready. :dontknow:

It's a hard time of the year and many suffer the loneliness that comes into play.

Sometimes the voids can be filled-sometimes they can't.

Sometimes a simple phone call to even a stranger can lift the spirits.

There are folks out there that can be a comforting voice in times when one is feeling down.

I/we don't have any immediate family living near-nor do we have any children-so DINKS is applied.

Customers used to ask me what I was going to do with the company-I should have children.
I asked why?
You need children
Who you going to live everything to?
Who's going to look after you when you get old?

Ok-You and me are sitting at the end of the hall in assisted care-blowing bubbles out each end while looking out the window.
I know in my heart that nobody is coming down the laneway to visit me, and I'm good with that.
Yet you are looking out waiting for the child to come to visit, the don't, and it tears at the heart.

Oh Jimmy (old European accent) I know my children-they'd visit.

So how's your Dad-I guess you went to see him today? (Man lived 3 blocks away from the home)

Man stares at me-he got it-Yes my friend in my heart there lay the accepted loneliness-but it won't rip my heart apart.

True story


But.. In all you said up there? The key phrase was "WE".
Don't mind me...I am blessed! With a depression that is situationally *AND* physically caused, (imbalance). Sometimes I am simply unable to contain. Its getting worse too. :dontknow:


All the best be it alone or with others. Put a log on the fire pull up a chair and watch some old movies, music or hang out here.


For what it's worth my daily walks always seems to boost the spirits. It's worth a shot especially during the colder weather of winter.


For what it's worth my daily walks always seems to boost the spirits. It's worth a shot especially during the colder weather of winter.

For whats it worth a shot works :):occasion14::tongue3: 003.webp

WHADIFIND you are never alone, we are all shipmates aboard the ship of life sailing thru calm and storm filled seas. You are forever in our hearts, minds, and prayers. Pull up a chair and enjoy the company...and rum. I will see what kind of trouble I can stir up for entertainment.

WD here's the rum for the cheese cake.

I need correct for auto correct, & one for life,
bad situations, wayward words and thoughts, more time than day, more day than time, more rhyme than reason in this holiday season.:dontknow:

Welp...I the least...I'm going to have one of the safest Christmases ever. :dontknow:

I'll be spending it, right here, in my recliner, all alone. No cards, no presents, (I'm used to this part. I've been on Santa's naughty list for about a third of a century now. :( ), no calls, no texts, not even an email. Maybe the three great grandkids will do better when they get old enough. :dontknow:

Just me, reruns and T'net keeping me company. And...I can't count on T'net...the people there, have lives!

When one doesn't have a life, they have to fill up the time with *something*!

The above message brought to you by a depressive that's just plain running out of "wanting to".

Merry Christmas T'net! To you and yours!


No service helping others you could be involved with in the nearest community?

Midnight mass?

Could always crash a party....

Used to be Grams was the area. A tiny township hall ,or someones house.. I got lost looking for a house on Christmas eve and stopped at a brick one (few houses in the country there ,let alone brick ones , which the one I was looking for was.) and asked if it was so and so's house.
Nope, not here" was the reply , "but if you don't find it , come back and join us".
I thought , that is too cool.

Anyways , anyone was welcome wherever Gram ended up.
Old neighbors , a couple were quite quiet and shy , but like others , had no where else to go.
Community members , shirt tail relation , it didn't matter.

I miss those years. But don't cultivate similar activity either.....
Community can relate to socialization. Getting involved in helping others worse off than ourselves , can make ourselves seem a little better off.
That takes getting out of our own comfort zones sometimes.

Were I solo tonight I'd be moochin.
"What times dinner?" Wouldn't be the first time....

Cheers to ya Whadi this Christmas eve.
The quiet at 2-3 A.M. (midnight and after anyways) has long been a favorite part of it for me.
Just like the remains of an old homestead I used to get water at where an artesian well ran into a bathtub, and someone kept a small trout in with some food.
I wonder sometimes what kind of Christmas that remote place had some years.
Bet it was a tough life , but still the same quiet on Christmas in between wee hours. Cold night , a peek at the sky , the new days sun still a thought yet...

Across the road kind of was an old house. A old black guy lived there way out /far from any village.
When I was 18-19 years that house was for sale for 3000 ? A sister told me I should buy it. Heck , I probably should have.

...and one for the Captain when he reads the slective auto correct. Now ya done did it...:laughing7:


Don't let the ramblings of an old lonely man ruin your day! As I said, I deal with depression all-year- long!

Have been for most of my life. Probably should be on meds for it, I simply have made the choice not to, (at least thus far).

I do try pretty not allow it to escape the confines of my own brain. Outside conditions sometimes cause the damn dam to crack. Then, I spill over onto any who will respond.

"The clown is always sad" plays in, think of Robin Williams and many, many others!

Christmas holidays are very well known for their ability to cause that to happen. No big deal. This year is more than *anyone* can take! dam's cracked...again! Big surprise!

If history is any indication, I'll get past it.......Againe. :dontknow:

Now.....back to the festivities! :icon_santa:


WHADIFIND you are never alone, we are all shipmates aboard the ship of life sailing thru calm and storm filled seas. You are forever in our hearts, minds, and prayers. Pull up a chair and enjoy the company...and rum. I will see what kind of trouble I can stir up for entertainment.

Thanks...but I disagree. We are *all* individually, alone. Its just up to each what they do about it, except, maybe, those who suffer an imbalance and it makes the decision for them. :dontknow:

Tell ya what, I have family I am "more" than willing to share with ya.....take some pleeeease!
There are times I would like to have time for a few thoughts. Its like a pendulum, one extreme to another. :violent1::love4::angel12::angry1::angel8:


Don't let the ramblings of an old lonely man ruin your day! As I said, I deal with depression all-year- long!

Have been for most of my life. Probably should be on meds for it, I simply have made the choice not to, (at least thus far).

I do try pretty not allow it to escape the confines of my own brain. Outside conditions sometimes cause the damn dam to crack. Then, I spill over onto any who will respond.

"The clown is always sad" plays in, think of Robin Williams and many, many others!

Christmas holidays are very well known for their ability to cause that to happen. No big deal. This year is more than *anyone* can take! dam's cracked...again! Big surprise!

If history is any indication, I'll get past it.......Againe. :dontknow:

Now.....back to the festivities! :icon_santa:


Nerve pain following amputation. Spasms. Like getting poked by a cattle prod.
Means on such nights , no sleep.
That gets old.

Dr. suggested Cymbalta. An anti-deprssent? I asked.
It's been found to help with nerve pain he said.
I tried it.
Eventually I got off all meds , but meds can have a purpose...

Anyways , Cymbalta (I'm pretty sure that was the one) shaved off the highs and lows of emotions.
No , not drooling or anything like that.
Just a nearer neutral , both sides of midrange.
Not a bad thing. And if it helps keep from swinging to far , well that wouldn't be so bad.

I'm willing to wager that if you look around , there are folks you can network with , and change your holidays next year. If you are willing.

Now for the weather report:
Temp now, 54 steadily climbing to 61 Christmas day.:hello2:
....accompanied by torrential rain fall and 60 mph gusts.:tongue3:
Charge all devices tonight. ...a little of this...a little of that :dontknow:

....but no snow! Just the deep freeze for a while.

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Now for the weather report:
Temp now, 54 steadily climbing to 61 Christmas day.:hello2:
....accompanied by torrential rain fall and 60 mph gusts.:tongue3:
Charge all devices tonight. ...a little of this...a little of that :dontknow:

....but no snow! Just the deep freeze for a while.

Snowing big time here. Lake effect. Cornflake sized flakes. Usually it's finer...

I replaced and repaired stuff for the snowplow/truck. A couple days on and off pecking away at it. New wire ends , solenoid replaced ect..
Took it in to a shop to have some relays replaced...It's ready. If I can talk the ladyfriend into driving in this mess. L.o.l..
I just don't like being out in the woods on this dead end dirt road without it.
Just in case it really snows.
The neighbors are used to my plowing to get them out , they'd probably just stay home if the snow got too deep and peek out thier windows watching for me...

The key things?

I have dealt with people who suffer depression I have, the ones that were "helped" by meds? Its true...the highs and lows were shaved. More neutral. While that's good for the low end. Something else happens with the highs. It prevents drive. Such as the desire to push, do more, like....getting up and getting ready and going out for a walk!

The other? "If I want to."

All be told...I simply don't! How much of that thought is driven by the self defeating depression? Who knows?

As evidence of my strange mindset? Throughout my entire life, there is something I could ***ALWAYS*** count on! No matter what depression has *always* been something that was part of me! If.....I did find some pill and poof! It was gone? It would be like losing a lifetime "friend" I could always count on.

Pretty sick....huh. :dontknow:

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