THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

RTR, looks like an anchor. Might be some navy piece?

Dont know cant find em anyplace on line.Old man was a big 'horseman' and left me a bunch of horse tack,going thru it all slowly.


Belgian. Grurden brand if I'm not mistaken.

Thought you were talking about the spurs:tongue3: Yeah your right on the chocolates..Grurden :)

Ya got a site ?

Yeah but you won't find it because I spelled it wrong. Should be Gudrun , not grurden. My mother buys like ten boxes a year to give as gifts. Belgian chocolate cannot be beat by any other chocolate on Earth with the possible exception of certain high end truffles.

Good morning Beeps and Roger. The missus made some home made fudge I don't have much of a sweet tooth but it's very tasty stuff.

Since you're not political, I'll make it as simple as possible. If the two people with the D's after their names win in Georgia on January 5th, you WILL be paying more money to .gov in taxes. And .gov will try to take away your guns too.

But if the two people with the R's after their names win, none of this will happen.

That's basically it.

Soooooo....what your saying is that taxes will never go up with the "right" guard. And...that man will continue to throw lil pieces of lead at each other?

Those "roses" *DO* smell better once one wakes up.

Trillions of dollars unexpectantly spent this year alone! No need to raise taxes there, eh?

And after I perfect my ray gun that neutralizes all explosive powders right thru the 🔫. "Guns" will be moot anyway. :tongue3:

Yeah but you won't find it because I spelled it wrong. Should be Gudrun , not grurden. My mother buys like ten boxes a year to give as gifts. Belgian chocolate cannot be beat by any other chocolate on Earth with the possible exception of certain high end truffles.

Bingo again :) ! 007.webp

Welp...I the least...I'm going to have one of the safest Christmases ever. :dontknow:

I'll be spending it, right here, in my recliner, all alone. No cards, no presents, (I'm used to this part. I've been on Santa's naughty list for about a third of a century now. :( ), no calls, no texts, not even an email. Maybe the three great grandkids will do better when they get old enough. :dontknow:

Just me, reruns and T'net keeping me company. And...I can't count on T'net...the people there, have lives!

When one doesn't have a life, they have to fill up the time with *something*!

The above message brought to you by a depressive that's just plain running out of "wanting to".

Merry Christmas T'net! To you and yours!


Hey WHADIFIND, sometimes it helps me to count my blessings. I ain't dead, I got most all of my fingers, I ain't sick, I ain't hungover and I ain't in jail (yet).

Soon I will be stomping over to the neighbors house to deliver a box of chocolates from my mother. A true joy.

So, Merry Christmas WHADIFIND. I hope you find what you are looking for.


Good morning and Merry Christmas Eve.
Time to wrap the presents and make the cheesecake. I am inspired by WHADI and his song. Maybe if I start this every one can add a line or two.

‘Twas the night before Christmas
And all aboard the ship

Not a pirate was lashed
With noodles or whip

Welp...I the least...I'm going to have one of the safest Christmases ever. :dontknow:

I'll be spending it, right here, in my recliner, all alone. No cards, no presents, (I'm used to this part. I've been on Santa's naughty list for about a third of a century now. :( ), no calls, no texts, not even an email. Maybe the three great grandkids will do better when they get old enough. :dontknow:

Just me, reruns and T'net keeping me company. And...I can't count on T'net...the people there, have lives!

When one doesn't have a life, they have to fill up the time with *something*!

The above message brought to you by a depressive that's just plain running out of "wanting to".

Merry Christmas T'net! To you and yours!


I/we don't have any immediate family living near-nor do we have any children-so DINKS is applied.

Customers used to ask me what I was going to do with the company-I should have children.
I asked why?
You need children
Who you going to live everything to?
Who's going to look after you when you get old?

Ok-You and me are sitting at the end of the hall in assisted care-blowing bubbles out each end while looking out the window.
I know in my heart that nobody is coming down the laneway to visit me, and I'm good with that.
Yet you are looking out waiting for the child to come to visit, the don't, and it tears at the heart.

Oh Jimmy (old European accent) I know my children-they'd visit.

So how's your Dad-I guess you went to see him today? (Man lived 3 blocks away from the home)

Man stares at me-he got it-Yes my friend in my heart there lay the accepted loneliness-but it won't rip my heart apart.

True story

Hey WHADIFIND, sometimes it helps me to count my blessings. I ain't dead, I got most all of my fingers, I ain't sick, I ain't hungover and I ain't in jail (yet).

Soon I will be stomping over to the neighbors house to deliver a box of chocolates from my mother. A true joy.

So, Merry Christmas WHADIFIND. I hope you find what you are looking for.

Thanks DS. It is appreciated!

But....the blessings ?
This is living?
And...depression *is* a sickness...I *am* sick, literally.
I have no neighbors.

Its ok tho. If HE calls me home? I'm ready....afraid....but...ready. :dontknow:

He had some really nice melodies

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