Yes we went out. Rough 2-3 foot waves. The Cap’n was more concerned with his parrot headset than the safety of the crew. The boat was hit by a wave which immediately pointed us to the heavens. I screamed, cussed, then cried. Then I drummed up the guts to stay out there. It was bitterly cold and rolling waves and my guts tried to make me pay for the decision. After 4-5 hours of miserable conditions and no fish, the boat was trailered, I was brought back to the hotel and they went back out to a different location. I am throwing in the towel. Not fun for me anymore. I lost count on the apologies I received.
Hah hah.
I know better each time I commit to a great lake expedition.
Never mind the forecast , the wind will rise if I'm on the water!
The last time , I let a friend talk me in to going salmon fishing. His boat.
Get up in the middle of the night , (fish apparently go to bed near daylight , or to jobs or something) and drag myself into his truck.
A fishing friend from Canadian trips was aboard as well.
We stopped at a station for snacks and as the wind began to rise , so did my friends eyebrows when looking at my choice of food as he asked ,"saltines?".
Yeah , I knew the seas were not going to be kind.
Hours later the fish must have crashed early or went to work early as they were not being found on sonar , let alone caught.
My friend ordered me to run the boat , then kept asking where I was going , when not asking me if I could follow a straight course.
I told him , you had your chance and no fish , I can't do worse.
Spotted a couple on sonar , which means little compared to hooking one.
Two were hooked up farther on and eventually landed.
I didn't get to hold a rod that day.
My friend needed a break and the chance to fish so all was well. And the other friend had got me on fish before too.
Just the vision of landing my own fillets kind of dimmed after a while....
Dang boat was slipping all over in the chop and waves and wind that day.
And my tummy needed those saltines.
And I'd chummed off that boat before. l.o.l..