The weather report was bang on regarding the start time of the snow.
It was a whirl wind morning to get the list of things done-then again I'm a last minute type guy also it seems.
First off was to over to the field and berry patch to pick up all the small tools laying around.
Then unload the car hauler of milk tank and large tractor tire.
Go down to the dock and run out the winch cable on the ATV-backed the truck down the slope until the high center point was obtained. I hooked onto the truck and ground my way up the hill with the ATV and trailer full of old dock debris. Then pulled the ATV and trailer with the truck up the road to the shop gate-always great doing a 2 person job by yourself.
Went over to the woodworkers and picked up the 9 - 30" x 60" windows I had got made for the shop.
Then loaded up the 16' car hauler trailer with insulation and brought it down to the barn to start insulating the the ceiling keep the gals warmer this winter. So I spent the afternoon in the coop starting that lovely project of insulating and putting 3/8" plywood on the ceiling.
The barn walls are insulated but they neglected to insulate the roof or lower ceiling, so I'll finish it off.
There was the run around of picking up other items, getting the pre-snow jobs done.
Note to self for next year-start a tad earlier.