I better start thinking about touching base with a few new permissions. Folks that have cellar holes/foundations/dumps on their property that have given me the "anytime you want" permission.
Though some date back to earlier this season past and I like to renew them as it will be a site that I haven't hunted before.
I don't just show up and start wondering around their field or bush unless they know.
Being the full open hunting season i will also confirm if they have allowed hunting-or is there a problem with entitled hunters (poachers) on the property.
I listen to the Mrs (I really do) when it comes to wearing something orange/bright look at me toque to keep the old melon sitting between the shoulders.

Buddy was just doing the

over a neighbour running the dogs on the farm (again) this year. Trying to drive the deer over to other properties.
So it happens yearly and having 600 acres surrounded by the hillbilly thinking ways is a huge problem at times.
The farmer said please keep your dogs off the property-Reply: " I guess the dogs can't read signage"
They have a 10 point buck that they want and the local yokels are trying also.
This past week they had the remains of a doe dumped at the farm gate to one of the fields. Nice! It will only attract coyotes to the field and cause future problems when the calving happens in the late winter spring.
It seems that there's always a few in life that just don't get it.