Platinum Member
Good morning, Pepperj and antiquarian.
Did the dues today and knocked off at 2:30 to go for a little hunt. I did a right turn instead of the directed left turn off the trail on top of the ridge=I didn't find the rectangular stone foundation rock.
Buddy called me and said they saw me in the field and that's when I found out I took the wrong ridge.
Oh well I never detected these two fields I walked through, turned up a few targets of lead, melted brass, broken decorated teaspoon handle. Just enough not to get excited or bored for 1.5 hr swing.
Just looking at the Thursday45F/Friday 55F and sun in the forecast=forecasting some hunting time needed.
Morning Dave
How's the little dust mop making out?
This area definitely sounds promising Jim, sounds like there must've been a homestead nearby.
I'll get out again on Thursday, my wife wants to use the car to take her Mom to an outdoor mall in Ajax on Friday.
Oh that puppy phase is taking a toll on our shoes and the backs of our ankles... as we try to run away from her!
She's a good girl though, but I'll be very happy when our little 'pee & poop machine' stops doing her business on our front door mat.
I went yesterday and checked the cut and not much had happened down south....or let's say alot of sand moved but not alot of finds. Got a bunch of wheats and another 41 silver quarter. Nothing spanish or of any real age. Waiting on some sand movement.....things are still settling at the beaches. Looking back at my hurricane finds.....its about a month after that I start getting spanish coins. Cold front is coming tomorrow with 30+ mph winds. Still waiting for a wind shift. Summer is dragging on down here with these storms.
OK WD we’ll have ECS smoke a Turkey. Problem solved
Just bought a 23lb from Winn Dixie for $9.00.
II smoke it the day before, put in in around 9 in the morning, keep the heat up all day, then take it out around midnight.
I use soaked mesquite chunks on top of charcoal during the first 6 hours, which impart a sweet smoked taste to the turkey.